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South China相关的网络例句

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与 South China 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are indications that the beginning of the real estate summit on "property market in the South China Sea Shiqiao fire and more hot plates" and "prejudging" had first emerged in spring.


A photograph purporting to be the first sighting of a South China tiger for more than 30 years has prompted a search for the endangered animal.


Four resistance genes, Xa4, xa5, xa13 and Xa21 in the near-isogenic line IRBB60 from IRRI were pyramided into breeding lines in South China using PCR-based marker-assisted selection.

本研究以携带Xa4、xa5、xa13、Xa21 4个抗白叶枯病基因的IRBB60与8个水稻新品系,组配8个杂交组合。

South China Morning Post of Hong Kong: At present the reform of state-owned commercial banks has entered into a substantive stage. The government has recapitalized these banks for three times in a row. But are you fearful of the potential for moral hazards on the part of these banks?


More and more numerical models now converge to the recurving scenario, but the possibility that PARMA will follow the western ridge and enter the South China Sea cannot be ruled out at this moment.


Numerical forecasts call for very diverse scenarios after t+48, with some recurving the system to the north/northeast while both ECMWF and NGP predict that PARMA will enter the South China Sea via the northern tip of Luzon. After t+96, PARMA's track might be influenced by the interaction between typhoon MELOR and itself.

各数值模式对芭玛於 t+48 后的路径出现重大分歧:部分模式指芭玛将逐渐转向偏北/东北,而 ECMWF 跟 NGP 模式均指芭玛可能透过吕宋北部进入南海。96 小时后,由於台风茉莉逐渐靠近,它们间的相互影响可能令芭玛的路径出现变化。

The authors reinvestigated the im-portant sections and fossil sites and collected macrofossils respectively from "Houjiashan Biota" in Jiangchuan, Yunnan Province, and "Wenghui Biota" in Jiangkou, Guizhou Province. On the basis of the above study and other latest research advancements, the authors integrated and synthesized the macrofossil features and assemblages of the Upper Neoproterozoic strata in South China and brought forward the biostratigraphic successions as well.


The Cenozoic of the deep-water basin in the north of the South China Sea is the passive continent margin which has the continent marginal characteristic of being tensionally rifted. It is favorable for the formation of deep\|water reservoirs and gas hydrate.


Since 1987, there has been more than 80 shaft wall ruptures in mining area of Huanghuai, South China.


Results showed that catches of shrimping beam trawl have many species in Estuary of Pearl River in the north South China Sea.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
