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与 Snow-Image 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, when you watch a snow under the sun, when, be sure to pay attention to protecting the eyes, beware cause "snow blindness."


To avoid snow away getting inside your boot, snow boots often have an extended height that often goes above your trousers' hem.


When tramping around in snow, I've found stirrup loops to be essential for preventing the trouser cuff from riding up over the top of the boot and letting snow in.


Due to the diversity of geography, there are over 4000 kinds of wild animals and plants in Xinjiang, the category of birds and beasts is rich, such as snow cock, dzeren, wild horse, wild camel etc.; the wild fruit in Xinjiang, the diversifolious poplar in desert are all with features greatly, the natural medicine is as follows: Chinese ephedra, apocynum, liquorice, bulb of fritillary, snow lotus are widely spread with good quality, which have unique quality and fine performance.


In order to know of the chemical characteristics on the surface of the mineral dust in snow and ice, and find out whether the atmospheric physical and chemical processes of mineral dust can impact the ice core records, X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer was first applied into the study on the surface chemistry of mineral dust sampled from snow and ice.


Using coupling model M4RC3 and improved MM4, a dust storm and a snow storm were simulated respectively. The effects of radiation parameterization and microphysics parameterization on development of dust storm and snow storm mesoscale system were discussed. Dynamical and thermodynamical diagnoses were also carried out to study the developing mechanism on the systems.


The storm poured in over the wheat country, and the powdery snow was like talcum, or dried paste, blowing along with the grinding bits of dust. The snow was dry.


Geladaindong region were analyzed using the HYSPLIT-4 model, and microparticles in Mt.Geladaindong snow were mostly influenced by dust aerosols from the northwestern Tibetan Plateau, South Asia. Coarse particles may come from the local rocks near glaciers. Research of seasonality of microparticle in snow could provide the information on modern environment processes, and is the base of further interpretation of ice core records.

结合NCAR/NCEP再分析资料,应用HYSPLIT-4模式模拟的不同季节5 d后向气团轨迹图表明,各拉丹冬峰冰川区雪冰中不溶性微粒可能来源于中亚、南亚和青藏高原本身,其中影响最大的可能是青藏高原自身的沙尘源区,同时冰川区裸露基岩对雪冰中不溶微粒含量亦有贡献。

A Simple Life, a Complicated Man: Finding Balance with Red Snow Fence - Review of the 15th book released through Cahuenga Press, Red Snow Fence by Harry E. Northup.


Our products include party string, snow fly, snow spray, party flower, air freshener, bubble spray, magic brush, aerosol adhesive, color hair spray, Baby bath foam etc.


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Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

It has been put forward that there exists single Ball point and double Ball points on the symmetrical connecting-rod curves of equilateral mechanisms.


The factory affiliated to the Group primarily manufactures multiple-purpose pincers, baking kits, knives, scissors, kitchenware, gardening tools and beauty care kits as well as other hardware tools, the annual production value of which reaches US$ 30 million dollars.


The eˉtiology of hemospermia is complicate,but almost of hemospermia are benign.
