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与 Shinto 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jinding scenic spots including the concept, Huanglong hole Chaotian Palace, ancient Shinto gate on the day, two days doors, three doors and the din Taihe Palace, Huang Jing-tang, Zijin City, temple worship, and the Yuan Dynasty bronze temple and ancient architecture.


During ancient times, many Shinto devotees took the holy pilgrimage to the shrines, resulting in the forming of 2 towns, Uji and Yamada, around the two shrines.


He was much influenced by such European composers as Ravel and Stravinsky, but since writing 'Achime' the text of which was taken from the ancient Japanese 'Kagura' or the sacred Shinto music and dance, his interest turned towards finding his own style within the larger framework of the heritage of Asian culture.


Japan's strongest influences are China and Buddhist-Confucianism, which overlay its own animistic Shinto, a folk religion with no revelatory text.


In the six-screen projection, Hako (2007), Sawa subtly transforms images of a Shinto monastery, a nuclear power station and various landscapes and interiors by appropriating readymade objects or software and inserting them into otherwise ordinary scenes.


Their classmate Matsuri quickly latches on to Yurie's newfound divinity as a way to promote her family's bankrupt Shinto shrine.


Thus, Vera's ashes were scattered on Lake Titicaca, in Bolivia, following the ancient traditions of the Aymara Indians; on the river outside the royal palace in Stockholm; on the banks of Choo Praya, in Thailand; at a Shinto temple in Japan; on the icecaps of Antarctica; in the Sahara desert.


In the Meiji era (1868 - 1912), this Buddhist structure was disestablished in favor of Shinto.

在明治时代( 1868年至1912年),这是佛教解散结构有利於神道。

Within Shinto, the Buddha was viewed as another Kami.


Having said that, in Shinto thought too there is an insistence that God is spiritual: the kami is the power in the mountain, the tree, the sun and not these objects themselves.


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KATHERINA. What is your sir, that you send for me?


This is the webpage of Centre for Bacterial Diversity and Identification, The University of Queensland.


China happy to be injected into the royal estate 100% stake in Beijing-assessed net 1.669 billion yuan, compared with consolidated net asset value of 944 million yuan book value, value-added rate of 130.25%.
