查询词典 Scotland
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Rowling signed the book in her office in Edinburgh, Scotland, a Scholastic executive traveled with the book-under tight security-to Southampton, England where it was placed in a 5 foot by 7 foot steamer trunk which was then locked and loaded by crane onto the Queen Mary 2 for its journey to America.
Other statutes were: that no one should be admitted to Holy Communion who had not been confirmed (Council of Lambeth, 1281); that neither father nor mother nor stepparent should act as sponsor (London, 1200); that children to be confirmed must bring "fillets or bands of sufficient length and width", and that they must be brought to the church the third day after confirmation to have their foreheads washed by the priest out of reverence for the holy chrism (Oxford, 1222); that a male sponsor should stand for the boys and a female sponsor for the girls (Provincial Synod of Scotland, 1225); that adults must confess before being confirmed Constitution of St.
其他法规有:任何人都不应被接纳为圣餐谁尚未得到确认(理事会的兰贝斯, 1281 );,无论父亲还是母亲,也不stepparent应作为赞助商(伦敦, 1200 );,儿童得到确认必须使"鱼片或带足够的长度和宽度",他们必须把教会的第三天后,确认他们的额头洗牧师的崇敬的神圣chrism (牛津, 1222 );,一个男性赞助商要站在为男孩和一名女赞助商的女孩(省议会,苏格兰, 1225 );,成年人必须承认,在得到证实(宪法的圣埃德蒙的坎特伯雷,约1236年)。
I was born at Blunderstone, in Suffolk, or 'there by', as they say in Scotland.
I was born at Blunderstone, in Suffolk, or "there by", as they say in Scotland.
I invited at the Crowne Plaza Shanghai century Scotland to participate in the development of the Council welcomed the Scottish finance and sustainable growth cabinet minister John Swinney reception in honor of His Excellency's visit to China.
9月20日晚,受邀在上海世纪皇冠假日酒店参加苏格兰发展局主办的欢迎苏格兰财政和可持续增长内阁大臣John Swinney阁下的访华招待酒会。
Those attending the event were the leadership of National Development and Reform Commission, People's Bank of China Deputy Governor Su Ning, the leadership of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the leadership of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the Shanghai municipal government leaders, Khalid Malik - the United Nations system, the chief representative in China, Juan Carlos Capunay - APEC2008 Director, John Swinney - Minister of Finance Scotland, Make Wu Ran - New Bretton Woods Committee chief executive, David Rhodes - Boston, a global consulting firm, senior partner and Managing Director, Li - UBS Group Chairman and Chief Executive of China, Qiu Zhizhong - ABN AMRO Asia, China, Vice Chairman and President, Hu Yang - International investment experts, Yan Yan - SAIF fund the senior partner, Zhang Jun - general manager of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Song Liping - General Manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Liang Yan - Star River, vice president of real estate, Xu Xiaonian - well-known economist and professor at Central College of Commerce and Industry, and so on.
出席的嘉宾有国家发改委领导,中国人民银行副行长苏宁,中国证监会领导,中国银监会领导,上海市政府领导,马和励——联合国系统驻华总代表,Juan Carlos Capunay——APEC2008理事长,John Swinney——苏格兰财政部长,马克·乌然——新布雷顿森林委员会执行长,大卫·罗兹——波士顿咨询公司全球资深合伙人兼董事总经理,李一——瑞银集团中国区主席兼总裁,邱致中——荷兰银行亚洲区副主席兼中国区主席,胡立阳——国际投资专家,阎焱——软银赛富基金首席合伙人,张育军——上海证券交易所总经理,宋丽萍——深圳证券交易所总经理,梁上燕——星河湾地产副总裁,许小年——著名经济学家,中欧工商学院教授等。
When they arrived in the lobby she understood a great deal more about the limitations of rural Scotland and Miss MacTavish; the sight of the ladies strolling about on gentlemen's arms reduced her pride in the dark blue taffeta dress to nothing.
The true flag of Scotland, tartan, is ''.'recognisable'.
Maya will be on Tattie Holidays from 13th October and 24th October.It is said the holidays for helping parents collect pototoes in Scotland.
The thistle is the national flower of Scotland and can also be seen as an important national icon.
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This brought fixed cost, but it also is meant at the same time use a source to won't make you singlehanded assume a problem.
He gained a small fortune in real estate.
Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America.