英语人>网络例句>SR 相关的网络例句
与 SR 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ralph, Sr. retrieves a bottle of Perrier from a belt tied to his waist and takes a drink.


And positive anomaly of Rb,Ba,Sr,etc. The granite emplaced by underplating of granitic magma,which formed through partial melting of sedimentary mainly of arenite,and is typical crust source petrogenesis.


Some global consistent and comparable marine Sr isotope curves for the Phanerozoic have been established recently.


This is a Chinese phonetic SR yards to the library.


The research leads to following conclusions: A The age of the ferromanganese contacting with the upper phosphate layer is 14.9 Ma; B The crust had been grown continually without sedimentation interruption since 14.9 Ma, suggesting that it can be used to rebuild the environment of palaeo-ocean and palaeo-climate from 14.9 Ma to 0 Ma; C The sedimentation interruption between the ferromanganese and the upper phosphate layer lasted around 4 Ma; D Between 19 Ma and 22.7 Ma, great phosphatization event happened in this area, which might cause the sedimentation interruption from 22.7 Ma to 14.9 Ma; E The ferromanganese crust began to grow from 75 Ma.

对超微量Sr同位素测试得到的富钴结壳磷酸盐年龄进行分析认为:(1)上部富钴结壳与上层白色磷酸盐化层接触部位的年龄为14.9 Ma;(2)自14.9 Ma以来,结壳的生长是连续的,沉积间断发生的可能性非常小,该样品可以用来进行14.9 Ma年以来古海洋、全球变化的重建工作;(3)上层白色磷酸盐化层与其上部的富钴结壳之间存在4 Ma的沉积间断;(4)19 Ma~22.7 Ma左右在该区发生过大规模的磷酸盐化作用,磷酸盐化作用可能造成磷酸盐化时期(19 Ma~22.7 Ma)和之后4 Ma(19 Ma~14.9 Ma)富钴结壳的沉积间断;(5)结壳的初始生长年龄在75 Ma左右;(6)老结壳的生长速度要远低于新结壳的生长速度。

Furthermore it has been proved that SR can minimize the ambiguity in traditional natural language reports and enhance the precision, perspicuity and the pragmaticism of clinical documents.


The adsorption behaviors of uranium and strontium were investigated on soil of very low-level radioactive waste in a preelection site by the static experimental method.


There was no significant difference in larval survival, sex ratio, pupation and adult emergence among four genotypes.


The whole process is completed within 200 s. The 91Sr product is radioactively pure, with an overall recovery better than 90%. The decontamination factor is greater than 10^2 for 92Sr, and better than 10^3 for other radionuclides. The quality of 91Sr specimens thus prepared can meet the requirements for its decay data measurements.


The new cooling period was interrupted by a brief recessional event at 0.9-I.2ka B.P.


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Sr. Destino
Mon Gars Sûr

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
