英语人>网络例句>SR 相关的网络例句
与 SR 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the common D-H modeling methods for ground robot and the conservation of momentum and conservation of angular momentum suitable for SR, continuous motion trajectory control modeling algorithm for SR is developed.


The characteristics of changed Sr/Ba coincide with particle size and macroelement analysis. The higher Sr/Ba shows depauperization and increasing salinity.


Recognized the regional geological history and the lack of external Sr sink epidote among the hydrothermal mineral assemblages, we refered that the Rb-Sr isoehron isotope date was the hydrothermal ore formation age.


Results The serum antibody level reached to 0.71±0.08-0.77±0.06 after genetic vaccine pCD-HCV1(100 μg/mouse) were inoculated into the mice(n=12) three or four times while blank vector pCD-SRα1 could not induce the mice(n=8) to generate antibody response in same way.After the antibody levels in mice(n=8) immunized by pCD-HCV1 had ascended to peak value(0.71), there was no trend of descending during the following 18 weeks of detection(0.68±0.06-0.75±0.07). Specific fragment of HCV cDNA identified by polymerase chain reaction from DNA extracted from the muscles of the mice after pCD-HCV1 had beed inoculated three months.

结果 基因疫苗pCD-HCV1(100 μg/只)3-4次接种小鼠后(n=12),血清抗体水平达0.71±0.08-0.77±0.06,空载体pCD-SRα1免疫鼠血清抗体阴性;免疫鼠(n=8)抗体水平达高峰后(0.71),持续检测18周未见下降趋势(0.68±0.06-0.75±0.07);pCD-HCV1免疫小鼠3个月后,用聚合酶链反应仍可从肌肉组织中扩增出特异性HCV cDNA片段;免疫鼠PBMC对HCV合成肽CP9、基因重组抗原C、E1刺激后均出现增殖反应,刺激指数分别为4.07±1.58、3.88±0.70和3.69±1.30,与pCD-SRα1免疫鼠相比,差异有显著性(P.001)。

In one group, Sr-HA cement was injected into rabbit ilium (non-weight-bearing conditions).


The characters of geochemistry are rich alkali. And at the same time the content of calcium is high. They are rich in alkali, high in Potassium, enriched in LILE, LREE and Pb, depleted in HFSE and have a small Sr, Nd, Pb isotope range. Their source is probably a kind of even metasomatic mantle. This is consistent with the fact that there is kimberlite containing flogopite in the deep-source enclosure of Cenozoic super-K alkali lava in the southern part of this rock zone.


Otoliths remained steadily growing during metamorphoses, the number of otolith DGIs deposited after TC marks as consistant with the rearing days(p<0.01) which validate the daily periodicity of the otolith increment deposition of Pacific tarpon leptocephali during metamorphoses. As for otolith microchemistry, Sr/Ca ratios in otolith of the fish decreased in accompany with metamorphosis, while Na/Ca ratios in otolith changed oppositely as Sr/Ca ratio.


The Sr Nd Pb isotopic compositions of crust lavas are characterized by higher initial Sr isotopic ratios,lower Nd isotopic ratios,large εNa and enrichment in radiogenic lead.


Product of the 28℃ fermentation of SR-7 were used to treat turnip and Chinese cabbage and was found effective against the bacterial rot diseases, indicated that the anti-bacteria substance of SR-7 may have the potential as a antibiotic for agricultural use.


While calculating Sr spectrum by BSCR method we find: calculating the spectrum of Sr we can obtain pretty good results in low resonance energy if we use optimized β value of Ca directly, but it is not possible to obtain the ideal results in the part of high resonance energy spectrum.

我们使用BSCR方法计算Sr光谱时发现:将Ca的各open channel所对应的β值直接用在Sr的光谱计算时,在低能阶部分可得到相当错的成果,但是在高能阶时,则无法得到想的光谱。

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Sr. Destino
Mon Gars Sûr

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
