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与 SR 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Basanite and tephrite from Mt. Crater, Cape Bird and Bonney Lake exhibit similar composition in major elements and trace elements, rare earth elements . They are enriched in MgO, TiO〓, transitional elements and compatible elements , and depleted in SiO〓, Al〓O〓, Na〓O, K〓O, incompatible elements and rare earth elements; Latite from Cape Rodeys and Cape Evens are different from basanite and tephrite, they are enriched in SiO〓, Al〓O〓, Na〓O, K〓O, incompatible elements and rare earth elements, and depleted in Mgo, TiO〓, transitional elements and compatible elements. Volcanic rocks in five regions have the same isotopic ratio of 〓Sr/〓Sr (0.703115-0.703334) and 〓Nd/〓 Nd (0.512892-0.513076), however,〓Pb/〓Pb ratio in volanic rocks from Mt. Crater, Cape Bird and Bonney Lake is lower than those of Cape Rodeys and Cape Evens.


Has analyzed this company new product (after *SR-30, SR-24, SR-20,*SR-16, the SR-13 3/8 series) the production craft, the treating processes and the production efficiency, design a set primarily to include the guide rail, the driving gear, the chain drive, the reduction gear, the electric motor, the shaft coupling, the axis, the bearing, the key, the circlip by V installment and roll spare part and so on drive wheel installments,And completes the correlation selection and the corresponding mechanics examination, with realizes two to need the butt weld the marine riser automatically to, and in the synchro completes the further welding after the spot welding.

分析了该公司新型产品(包括*SR-30、SR-24、SR-20、*SR-16、SR-13 3/8系列)的生产工艺、处理过程及生产效率后,设计出一套以V型装置为主包括导轨、驱动轮、链传动、减速器、电动机、联轴器、轴、轴承、键、弹性挡圈及滚动轮等零部件的装置,并完成相关选材及相应的力学校核,用以实现两根需要正对焊接的隔水管自动对中,并在对中点焊后同步转动以完成进一步的焊接。

The dacite cropping out at Jilusu on the northern margin of Qaidam basin has lots of adakitic features: SiO263.7%~64.3%, Al2O315.07%~15.27 %, MgO 3.47%~3.72 %, K2O/Na2O ratio is about 0.14~0.25, Y and Yb are both low: Y is 17.82×10-6~18.10×10-6, 17.96×10-6on average, and Yb is 1.47×10-6~1.55×10-6, Sr is high (527×10-6~537×10-6), HREE is depleted and Eu and Sr negative anomalies are relatively weak, but the content of MgO is higher than that of the typical adakite in the world.

在柴达木北缘吉绿素滩间山群火山岩中发现埃达克质英安岩,其主要地球化学特征如下:SiO26 3.7%~ 6 4.3%,Al2 O3 15 。0 7%~ 15 。2 7%,MgO 3.47%~ 3.72 %,K2 O/Na2 O 0 。14~ 0 。2 5 ,Y和Yb含量较低,Y为17.82× 10 -6~ 18.10× 10 -6,平均 17.96× 10 -6,Yb为 1.47× 10 -6~ 1.5 5× 10 -6,Sr含量较高,为 5 2 7× 10 -6~ 5 37× 10 -6,亏损HREE ,具弱负Eu和Sr异常。

Trontium isotope test analysis indicates that relationship exists between~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios and the variation of seawater, evolution of palaeo-geographicalconditions in the region of Tazhong is the direct factor which controls the change ofthe 87Sr / 86Sr ratios and dolomitization is also an important factor.


Calidonian granites are widely developed in the Yema Nanshan area in the western segment of the Qilian orogenic belt. The geochemical characteristics of most of the granites are similar to those of adakites: SiO2≥56%, Al2O3≥15.0%, low MgO (average 2.04%), high Sr (257-889μg/g, average 546.42μg/g), low Y (7.1-25.3μg/g,average 16.67μg/g), average Sr/Y=5.89, no pronounced Eu anomaly and Sr positive anomaly. Adakites in this area have five rock types, quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorite, quartz monzonite, monzogrannite and hornblende granite. These rocks commonly contain hornblende, belonging to I-type granites.

提要:祁连西段野马南山一带发育大量的加里东期花岗岩,其中大部分花岗岩具有与adakite岩相似的地球化学特征,SiO2≥56%, Al2O3≥15.0%,低MgO(平均2.04%),高Sr(257~889μg/g,平均值546.42μg/g),低Y(7.1~25.3μg/g,平均16.67μg/g),Sr/Y平均为35.89μg/g,Eu无明显负异常,Sr正异常,Adakite岩石类型有石英闪长岩、石英二长闪长岩、石英二长岩、角闪花岗岩、二长花岗岩,岩石中普遍含有角闪石,属I型花岗岩,地球化学图解反映该花岗岩形成环境为板块碰撞前的岛弧型,锆石U-Pb同位素年龄为444+38/-33 Ma,处在祁连造山带板块俯冲收缩阶段,因此可以推断野马南山埃达克质Adakite花岗岩是俯冲板片部分融熔和壳幔岩浆混合形成的。

A statistics in world range indicates that the Sr/Eu ratios in the peraluminous granites show similar variation trend to those in pegmatitic apatites. This paper suggests that the high Sr/Eu ratio (>300) in apatites or peraluminous granites is due to the strong partition of Eu〓 into the aqueous fluid, and this ratio can be used as an excellent geochemical indicator of fluid exsolution from magmatic melts.


Such features are typical of ancient lower continental crust, e.g., Archean granulite terranes that experienced extensive U-Th loss and developed time-integrated low radiogenic Pb compositions. The occurrence of the west Ujimqin andesites indicates the existence of ancient continental lower crust beneath the NE China fold belt.4 The Mesozoic granitoids in the Zhangguangcai Range and Jiamusi block have lower Nd ε_(Nd =-3.5~+ 2.1, T_ = 1.0~1.27Ga and highly radiogenic Pb and Sr isotopic composition ~(206Pb/~(204)Pb = 18.4~18.9,~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr = 0.705~0.711, suggesting that the pelagic sediments of the Paleo-Asian Ocean or their metamorphosed derivates were an important component in the region.5 The Pb isotope mapping results show that the mafic rocks in the northern Hinggan Mountains have higher and weakly variable ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb ratios than those from the southern Hinggan Mountains and the Liaoyuan-Yanji area.


The three types of dolomite have similar strontium content with higher ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios to some extent than that of the coeval seawater.The difterenee of distribution coefficient of Sr in calciteand dolomite is the most important control factor on the strontium content in dolomites.

三种类型白云岩具有类似的锶含量,但其(87)~Sr/(86)~Sr 比值均不同程度地高于同期海水值,锶在白云石和方解石中分配系数的差别是影响白云石化过程中白云石锶含量最为重要的因素。

The average initial value of ~(87)Sr /~(86)Sr for the gabro is 0.7045,εNd=-16.54,these characteristics indicate that the source of Qipanyan pluton has adifferent characteristics with EM1 source.

从Sr-Nd-Pb同位素特征来看,~(87)Sr /~(86)Sr初始值平均为0.7045,εNd值为-16.54,这些特征证明棋盘岩岩体源区与EMI源区性质并不一致。

Two outstanding fusants SR-7 and SR-T19 were chose out in the fusion group 90-11×FR-008, the former produces not only antibiotics the parents produced but also a new antibiotic effective gainst a wide range of both gram positive and negative bacteria, which the parents could not produce, and its product of the 37℃ fermentation was very effective against the cotton seedling damping off caused by Rhizoctonia sonali while product of the 26℃ was effective agaist the bacterial rots of turnip and Chinese cabbage; the latter have a much stronger activity against a wide range of fungi and yeasts than the parents.


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Sr. Destino
Mon Gars Sûr

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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