英语人>网络例句>SCI 相关的网络例句
与 SCI 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The directing idea of sci-technology hortation is encouraging innovation, establishing bestir system to cultivate talents, promoting the combination of scientific research and social development.


Based on the new achievement of modern sci-ence, Ilya Prigogine in his book The End of the Certainty put forward some new discussions with many valuableprofound dialectical thoughts.


Although there have been many inspiriting findings from laboratory experiments of animals, none of current treatments or therapies is able to effectively cure SCI in the clinical setting.


Based upon the comparative analysis of inspiritment theory and according to the requirement administrative levels theory, the inspiriting mode to the sciential employee for sci-tech enterprise also has been carried out in this paper.


In this experiment, OPCs are intendedly transplanted to improve axonal myelination of lesioned cord and maximize the function of spared nerve fibers after SCI, and hence to enhance the functional recovery of injured spinal cord.


Results: During the development of spinal cord. NIDD mRNA was highly expressed at embryo 16 d and at postnatal 1 d, and co-localized with nNOS in the undifferenti ated ventral horn, as well in white matter. And then it decreased significantly till postnatal 12w. nNOS mRNA was highly expressed from postnatal 1 d to 3 d. The high expression of NIDD mRNA appeared at the 8 hour after spinal cord injury, and co-localized with nNOS in neurons of ventral horn, intermedial zone, the area around central canal and dorsal horn, and recovered to the normal at dry 7 day after SCI.

结果:大鼠发育过程中,胚胎16 d的大鼠脊髓中可见NIDD mRNA的高表达,在生后1d,与nNOS共表达于尚未分化成熟的前角,在白质也见NIDD的阳性信号成年后呈低表达;nNOS mRNA于生后1~3 d出现表达高峰;脊髓损伤后NIDD mRNA表达明显增多,在8 h到达高峰,分布于脊髓前角,中间带、中央管周围及后角nNOS阳性的神经元,7 d恢复至正常水平;nNOS mRNA在损伤后8 h达到高峰,1 d降低至正常水平。

It was achieved by intradural microanastomosis of the L6 ventral root to S2 ventral root. After axonal regeneration, the "patellar ligament-spinal cord center-bladder" reflex pathway was reestablished. The function of the reflex arc was observed by nerve electrophysiological experiment, detrusor electromyography experiment, urodynamic testing and HRP retrograde tracing before and in 8 months after the spinal cord was destroyed horizontally between S1 and S4 level. There was one case of conical SCI patient who had L1 fracture and paraplegia was received intradural microanastomosis of the L6 ventral root to S2 ventral root after Li fracture and paraplegia.


Spinal Cord Injury is the injury of spinal cord structure and function caused by several different kinds of elements which incur the change of kinesalgia , sensation and autonomic nerves function below the injury level.

脊髓损伤(Spinal Cord Injury,SCI)是由于多种不同致病因素引起的脊髓结构、功能的损害,造成损伤水平以下正常运动、感觉、自主神经功能的改变。

Jan. 16, 2006 -- SCI-CANCER-SMELL -- Kobi, a glden retriever, during a demonstration at the Pine Street Clinic in San Anselmo, Calif., on Jan.


Conclusion. Our results indicate that patients with isolated cerical SCI hae significantly greater frequency of RHC, leukocytosis, lymphopenia, and thrombocytopenia than controls during the first week posttrauma.


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Die Sci-Fi

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
