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Ruins of St. Paul相关的网络例句

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与 Ruins of St. Paul 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Are you proud of Macao, having the Ruins of St. Paul's as a historical architecture?

问题 12:你对澳门拥有大三巴这样的历史建筑感到自豪吗?

In your opinion, how is the maintenance of the Ruins of St. Paul's?

13* 你认为大三巴保护与维修工作做得如何?

A parade is held through the Ruins of St. Paul, the central plaza, and many streets of the city.


Is the ruins of St. Paul's College.


The Ruins of St. Paul's Cathedral.


Next to the Ruins of St. Paul is a symbol of Macau, which was built in the 1 7 century St. Paul's teaching, destroyed in 1835 in a fire, the remaining anterior, such as the shape of St.

旁边的大三巴牌坊是澳门的标志,它原为建于1 7 世纪的圣保禄教学,毁于1 8 3 5 年一场大火,仅余前壁,形如牌坊。

Dragon and lion dances create a festive spirit in Macao. A parade is held through the Ruins of St. Paul, the central plaza, and many streets of the city.


View the famous gateway, the well-known Portuguese Fort de Santiago and the ruins of St. Paul's Church lined by 17th century Dutch tombstones.


Rose's Catholic Church, Church Point and Germany, the lobby, Zhang Tong, and other board is also very famous, the famous Ruins of St. Paul's Church of St. Paul is the fire and leave behind the left anterior wall.


Finally take the coach to the Ruins of St. Paul, St. Dominic's Church, Senado Square and at last free shopping around Na Tcha Temple.


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I urge any American living outside the country to get an early start checking his/her registration and receiving an absentee ballot, because it can take a while.


He is too young to join the army.


Over time Winfrey has made the contents of the show more sophisticated and sympathetic, moving away from its sensationalist beginnings to an exploration of spirituality and community which has proved popular particularly with women.
