英语人>网络例句>Ron 相关的网络例句
与 Ron 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Three of 17 cases developed RON after reirradiation for recurrences and 1 case after three course of radiotherapy. Nine patients developed blindness in one eye and eightsix in both eyes. Of all the 17 cases, 4 cases showed visual field constriction or hemianopia.

结果] 17例RON中,13例首程放疗后发生,3例在NPC局部复发再程放疗后发生,1例在三程放疗后发现。9例单眼失明,6例双眼失明,4例见视野缺损或偏盲。

"Like Ron swatting at Pigwidgeon," Harry said, thinking of the small owl whose cage resides in Harry's flat now.


Q: When did Ron tell you the Starbuck you know is dead?


"That is the biggest concern, that your herd could somehow contract this illness from an infected person," said Kansas hog farmer Ron Suther, who is banning visitors from his sow barns and requiring maintenance workers, delivery men and other strangers to report on recent travels and any illness before they step foot on his property.

堪萨斯猪场农场主 Ron Suther说&这是最大的担心,担心我们的猪会不知怎么地从一位受感染的人受到传染&他将禁止游客进入他的母猪谷仓,并要求护理工、送货员灯其它生人在踏上他的土地之前,先报告最近自己的旅行情况,及任何病情。

"I can see the polar ice vividly using my 8-inch telescope," says Ron Wayman of Tampa, Florida.

Ron Wayman说我用我的8寸望远镜就能清楚地观察极地的冰帽。

Queer as Folk executive producer Ron Cowen concurs: Being out and honest is important to Bobby.

Queer as Folk 的执行制片人 Ron Cowen 赞同道:公开和坦诚对 Bobby 来说是很重要的。

On a chirpier note, fans love it a lot when you pair Tavia up with Bosco, Ron, or Raymond. These three pairings are hot amongst the fans.

粉丝在论坛留言里流露出对Tavia和Bosco ,Ron,Raymond配对演戏的钟爱,认为这3种组合才是最有火花的。

If it's not Ron Harper coming back to Hollywood and professing how proud he is now of a franchise he once likened to jail, which happened the next night, it's finding out that Sam Cassell is even cockier than you imagined.

第二天活塞作客L.A。,Ron Harper竟然说为曾经效力Clippers感到自豪,要知道他曾经将Clippers比作监狱。(注,Harper 93-94 曾为快船短暂效力,离开快船转会公牛时说来了快船就如同入了监狱)。除此之外,那就是Sam Cassell如今已经嚣张到你无法想象的地步。

Thanks to his friends, landscape contractor Ron DiPietro was well aware of a common real estate loan pitfall that ensnares many unsuspecting entrepreneurs: Seduced by a low interest rate, some companies end up with a short-term commercial mortgage rather than the extended-term, fixed-rate loan they often need over the long run.

多亏了他的朋友,园艺承包商Ron Dipietro很好的意识到了一种常见的房地产借贷陷阱,而这个陷阱使许多毫无防备的企业家们陷入困境:受到低息率的诱惑,一些公司最终选择短期商业抵押,而放弃了延长期限,他们需要从长远来考虑到固定利率贷款。

Thanks to his friends, landscape contractor Ron DiPietro was well aware of a common real estate loan pitfall that ensnares many unsuspecting entrepreneurs: Seduced by a low interest rate, some companies end up with a short-term commercial mortgage rather than the extended-term, fixed-rate loan they often need over the long run.

多亏了朋友,园艺承包商Ron Dipietro识破了一种常见的房地产借贷陷阱,而这个陷阱使许多毫无防备的企业家们陷入困境:受到低息率的诱惑,一些公司最终选择短期商业抵押,而放弃了需要从长远眼光来考虑的固定利率的长期贷款。

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Love Generation (Ron Caroll Remix)
Da Doo Ron Ron
Doctor Ron The Actor
Funeral Music (Cam'ron Diss)

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
