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与 Rice 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rice production system is a complex system,based on the relationship of crop,environment,and technique,a rice management knowledge model made the management knowledge be presented modally and digitally.


Late Ming and early Qing Qu Dajun, Guangdong in the new language "contains:" Dongguan to Hong rice taste various miscellaneous fish, including the steamed lotus leaves, Murraya in thoroughly, and fine-sounding name of lotus leaf rice.


Eleventh Five-Year" plan to support the National Science and Technology key project of "regional agro-ecosystems of biological control of pests and demonstration of key technologies issue 3: Insecticidal microbial agents and their coordination to improve the application of key technologies for China's fruit and vegetable rice in southern China, North China cotton-wheat corn, East China tea rice dishes regional agricultural ecosystems Noctuidae pests, pest钻蛀, borers and other important pests, recommend the use of Bacillus thuringiensis to improve the preparation and recovery agent.


Hwabongbyeo,Zhongzuo9059,Upland rice 9,Upland rice 502 and IRAT359 with higher tolerance to low N-fertilized level,which were nonsensitive to nitrogen.


The rice with higher milling degree shows not only better appearance, but also more appetizing and more welcome by consumers. However, the more milling time is, the more nutrimental component will be lost in the process. There is illogicality between milling degree and nutrimental quality. Therefore, prompt inspectation of the milling degree of rice is very important.


Impacts of transgenic rice lines on biological characteristics of Microvrlia horvathi Nymphal duration of Microvrlia horvathi fed with young instar of BPH nymphs feeding on Bt rice after hatching was not significantly different from that feeding on Xiushui 11 control.


This work will help to know the status of Oryza rufipogon in Hainan in the origin and evolution of the cultivated rice in China, and also offer reference for potential use of the common wild rice in Hainan.


The results showed that the volume of these breads gradually reduced with increasing the percentage of corn or cassava or rice flour in the panification, and the cassava compound bread had the largest volume and the rice compound bread had the smallest one.


The false smut balls grow parasitically on panicle of rice plant, results in less yield, polluted rice and worse quality, and most important, produces toxins poisoning to human beings and domestic animals.


The physicochemical determination of rice taste is a method of scientifically analysis and determination of rice taste .


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Rice And Bread
Chicken Soup With Rice
The Rice
I Don't Wanna Throw Rice
Steve Young Jerry Rice
I'm Throwing Rice
The Rice Song
Rocks Instead Of Rice
Swag Jerry Rice
Red Beans N' Rice

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
