英语人>网络例句>Rice 相关的网络例句
与 Rice 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Drain rice in colander and transfer to a heavy pot or rice cooker; add 4 cups water.


Rice color is an important index that effects white rice grade.


Article 3 The categories of agricultural goods subject to the administration of import tariff quotas are: wheat (including powder and grains thereof; hereinafter referred to as wheat), corn (including powder and grains thereof; hereinafter referred to as corn), rice (including powder and grains thereof; hereinafter referred to as rice), bean oil, colza oil, palm oil, sugar, cotton, wool and wool tops.

第三条 实施进口关税配额管理的农产品品种为:小麦(包括其粉、粒,以下简称小麦)、玉米(包括其粉、粒,以下简称玉米)、大米(包括其粉、粒,以下简称大米)、豆油、菜子油、棕榈油、食糖、棉花、羊毛以及毛条。

That is one of the most primary reasons that results in the comedown of the resistance of rice variety, which become sensitive to rice blast disease, sequentially.


To further reveal the structure of monocotyledon lignin, carbon 13 enrichment of specific carbons of rice stalk lignin was achieved by feeding coniferin [α 13 C], coniferin [β 13 C] and coniferin [γ 13 C] into an internode cavity of the stalk of a growing rice plant Oryza sativa L.

为了进一步了解单子叶植物的木素,向生长中的水稻(OryzasativaL 。)茎秆节间的腔体分别注入在侧链α、β、γ位带13 C标记的松柏醇葡萄糖甙,得到侧链带13 C标记的稻秆木素。

It has eight cultural traits, such as cultivating rice in terrace, eating rice and making a thick soup with fish, architecture with wood, making raiment with cotton, cosignatory systems, worshiping ancestors, religion of many spirits.


By means of electric hydrogenation -atomic absorption spectrophotometer, the seleniumcontets have been determined,analysed and evaluated in 204 samples of twelve grain and grain by-products such as rice, wheat, corn , barley, rape seed cake, cotton seed cake , soybean cake, sesame seed cake, soybean, rice bran, wheat bran and peanut oil cake, etc.


Gold Baby ferment can be used to feed a variety of energy fermented feed and fodder, such as rice powder, corn flour, wheat bran, rice bran and straw crops, Cotton Seed Hull and grass and so on, after the fermented feed energy is transformed into the bacterial protein feed , which is transformed into the roughage feed.


Under different winter cover crop conditions, the ability of absorption of nutrients and growth of late rice were improved, so that the biomass accumulation of late rice of T1, T2, T3, T4 were higher than that of CK.


A linkage map was constructed using 151 polymorphismic markers.The map spans1841.9 cM covering 12 rice chromosomes with an average interval of 12.1 cM,which wellintegrated the markers from the high density linkage maps of rice.


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Rice And Bread
Chicken Soup With Rice
The Rice
I Don't Wanna Throw Rice
Steve Young Jerry Rice
I'm Throwing Rice
The Rice Song
Rocks Instead Of Rice
Swag Jerry Rice
Red Beans N' Rice

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
