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与 Rice 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Procambarus clarkii and the middle-season rice crop rotation not only may stabilize our province and even the national paddy rice sown area, raises the paddy rice planter output, also opened a new path for the Procambarus clarkii formalization cultivation.


A comparative study on broken rice rate in rice milling between rice mill and lab was conducted.

前言碾米过程的碎米发生与稻谷性质碾米工艺设备条件等众多影响因素有关,要在保证大米加工品质的条件下尽量降低碎米率提高出米率,这是我国碾米工业需长期面对的挑战和难题〔1- 2〕。

The simple steps of making cosmetic powder are like this: First, put the rice into the water, and 10 days later, get it out and mill it into rice slurry, and then let the rice slurry settle for a while.


The data from lab milling test has referable guiding value for milling technology in rice mill. rice milling process,broken rice rate,change


China, 571737Magnaporthe griseais the pathogenic fungus of rice many species of grass family. On rice, it causes rice blast, which is of economic important and world-wide distribution.


Soil samples were collected from different ecological conditions. More than 70 Streptomyces hygroscopicus strains were isolated from the soil samples. Fermentation centrifugal supernatant of the strains were used as biocontrol agents to bioassay the seedling of rice and barnyard grass and rice pathogens of sheath blightand bakanae. Three strains showed good effects of inhibitingbarnyard grass seedling, the another three strains well inhibited the growth of rice pathogenic fungi.


The Tuen floral varieties of rice this year has been harvested, including the best rice flower rice elected only 100,000 kg.


With independent intellectual property rights "industrial boiler burning rice husk" technology to fill China's direct use of rice husks industrial boilers replaced coal technology gap is the use of renewable biomass energy that rice husk, reducing corporate energy costs and reduce environmental pollution, practice Economic characteristics of a cycle of professional firms.


It was found that the development had the distinguishing features of hybrid rice occupying dominant and ever increasing position, the hybrids derived from V20A and Zhenshan 97A being the main body of hybrid rice, conventional rice varieties being gradually replaced by good quality ones, the number of varieties increasing with plant area of a single variety decreasing, over 68% of va...

湖南省晚稻品种的演变呈现出如下特点:杂交稻占主导地位,且比例不断扩大;威优系统和汕优系统构成杂交稻主体;常规稻主栽品种逐步实现优质化;品种数目不断增多,单个品种播种面积减少;超过 68%的品种年播种面积低于 670 0hm2 。对产生这些现象的原因进行了探讨。

The hybrid rice seed production company has two main-line hybrid rice, Shanyou series, privileged family, Xieyou series, Liangyoupeijiu, such as Guangdong, gifted 938 complete two-line hybrid varieties of hybrid rice in various combinations, and with the Zhejiang , Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Henan, more than 20 seed companies have established good relations of cooperation.


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Chicken Soup With Rice
The Rice
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Steve Young Jerry Rice
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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
