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与 Relax 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Relax, it's only ones and zeros!


In the "views", and developers are closely related to yes, right in real estate development enterprise income tax in accordance with the minimum预征; adjustment of the real estate mortgage registration; moderate price adjustment to sell the payment period; relax the construction project opened, the completion deadline, as well as the relaxation of the new price to sell land to pay period and the proportion of each.


So,baby,just close your eyes,and try to relax and sleep.


The most largest and highest SPA center in YueDong--"Shantou World Trade SPA Center",contains with man and women SPA area ,equipped with tropical rain forestry bath ,ultrasonic bubble, floatage bath, spring bath ,whirlpools ,duck mouth massage ,massage chair bath ,leisure floatage bath ,sauna dry steam, wet steam, ice pool, foot massage services items, employed professional trained skilled technician show you exquisite massage skill ,decompression for you to relax ,good health .guest rest room and separate room, elegant and comfortable, equipped with LCD TV luxurious space chairs, free of charge for guest and provide with satellite transmission shows ,so that you can know the latest trends and business information.


If there is any essential oils and bath salts to relax with the participation of this action, would both enjoy and effective experience.


Beer can range from pressurized "keg" beer,"cask-condition" real ale to bottled beers. Most pubs offer a cheerful and pleasant place to sit and relax with friends, have a reasonably priced meal, play a game or even sit and read a book or the paper.

啤酒种类从加压桶装 keg 啤酒、古法酿制的啤酒&cask-condition&真麦酒,到瓶装啤酒都有,酒吧气氛大多轻松愉快,让人自在的与朋友聊天说笑,餐点价格也合理,还可以玩游戏或者读书看报。

Wait until the fish a little calm, a few elderly people would take the opportunity to breathe a breath to relax, and then start fighting again tense, until the fish is completely off, the elderly and return an empty boat, when the boy appeared again, things will eventually to restore calm.


In ease your tired body at the same time relax your mood.


Having a special breathing place will enable you to go there to relax.


By-time of the work, you can also spend 20 minutes to relax yourself, just take a walk and take no account of your work,and focus on everything of your surrounding only, such like what you see, what you hear ,what you feel and smell, etc.


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Kick Back Relax
Relax My Beloved
Sit Back Relax
Relax Your Mind
Sit Back, Relax

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
