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与 Relax 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

R Efficacy: This product is a transparent facial soap with olive essential oil and honey as main materials. It has double efficacies of Cleansing and Moisturizing, which could hydrate skin as well as thoroughly cleanse dirt and aged keratose. It is easy to produce fine and rich foams, which can quickly enwrap and insulate dirt, leaving the face thoroughly cleaned. After using it, your skin will feel relax and moist, and fall in love with everyday cleansing!


It is easy to produce fine and rich foams, which can quickly enwrap and insulate dirt, leaving the face thoroughly cleaned. After using it, your skin will feel relax and moist, and fall in love with everyday cleansing!

如果使用了防水型化妆品,请使用DCE深层卸妆油卸除 DCE 纯榄滋养皂 MILD SOAP 90g Olive moisturizing soap 功能:含本品采用橄榄精华油和蜂蜜为主要原料的透明洁面皂;具备能够彻底清除肌肤污垢及老化角质的"洗净力"和"滋润肌肤"的双重功效;迅速起泡,柔软细腻的泡沫能迅速包裹、分离污垢,彻底洗净脸部;没有紧绷感,并能留住滋润,让洗脸也变成一种享受。

And epistolary novel relax personal will and colony restrict nervous relation between by way of discussing.


The mustard will enhance the soothing effects of the Epsom salt and also help to relax stiff, sore muscles.


The key is know how to relax himself and equanimity to face life.


People listen to music can relax, so I would like to become an actor erhu, so that more people can feel comfortable to hear


Leaders of the Group of 20 nations will focus at their coming summit on piercing bank secrecy, stepping up international pressure on nations considered tax havens to relax their practices of client confidentiality and disclose more information on possible tax evader s.

在即将召开的二十国集团(Group of 20)峰会上,各国领导人将集中精力于突破银行保密体系,向被视为避税天堂的国家施加更大的国际压力,要求它们放宽客户保密传统,披露更多有关可能的逃税者信息。

Because you have poor quality sleep, and dream the same as your brain has not been truly relax and rest, a part of the brain is still in the excited state.


This analysis points to three potential routes: to privilege transnational foreign labor over mainland Chinese and change its descent centered exclusionist policy; or to privilege ethnic Chinese and relax its political vigilance toward PRC ; or to insist on resident participation in publicaffairs and in the economic, political and social lives of Taiwan as a new basis of citizenship.


The excurse had not only made us acquainted with each other and relax ourselves but also made us realize that we were an excellent team, and it would had far-reaching meaning for our future study and cooperation.


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Kick Back Relax
Relax My Beloved
Sit Back Relax
Relax Your Mind
Sit Back, Relax

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
