英语人>网络例句>RON 相关的网络例句
与 RON 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I go to arenas, sometimes the announcers will call me Duh-RON.


Ron Villone is a Boras client. We were talking about it a few months ago and he told me that on several occasions during his career, Boras wanted him to sign with a certain team and he didn't.

Ron Villone也是Boras的客户,几个月前我们也有谈到,他告诉我有几次在他的球员生涯期间, Boras要他跟某球队签约,但他没有这样做。

He's a good guy with real degrees (so please don't equate him with charlatans like Ron Wyatt).

他是一个好人,有着货真价实的学位(所以不要把他和江湖骗子诸如Ron Wyatt相提并论)。

Holly, Sam Green a true friend and noble person, Ron Link I''ll never forget you, Andy Warhol what can I say, Paul Morrissey, Lennie you know I loved you, Andy you too, Jeremiah don''t take it too badly just remember what a ***** I was, Geraldine I guess you saw it coming.

Holly, Sam Green 一个真实的朋友和高尚的人。 Ron Link 我永远不会忘记你,安迪沃霍尔我能说什么呢,保罗莫里赛, lennie 你知道我爱你,安迪你也是,耶利米不带着不算太差只记得什么是*****我, geraldine 我猜你看得到未来。

According to God's Word, then conformity would be improper…. Ron Kangas and Kerry Robichaux, A

若是职事期望众召会跟随一些不是照著神话语的事,这跟随就不合适…』 Ron Kangas and Kerry

To more easily conceptualize and embody the learning in these stages of the cycle, they are set into a picture model of four cardinal, seasonal, and elemental directions, and an adaptation of Angeles Arrien's Forue-fold Path, and Ron Kurta' Sensitivity Cycle Barriers, as illustrated on the fold-out map at the beginning of each section of the book.

为了更容易地对这一循环中这些阶段的学习形成概念,并把这一学习过程具体化,我们插入了一个图片模型(这个模型是由四个主要的、周期性的基本方向组成的),及《Angeles Arrien's Forue-fold Path》的修订本和Ron Kurta的《灵敏度周期障碍》,如同这本书每一部分开始的插图一样。

There's no official tally of Wall Streeters turned at-home parents, and stay-at-home dads overall are hard to count because many will not admit it, said Ron Mattocks of Houston, a stay-at-home dad and former analyst for hedge funds.

休斯顿的Ron Mattocks曾任对冲基金分析员,现在是一名全职奶爸,他说,没有官方数据显示有多少华尔街职员成为家庭妇男,也很难计算这个人群的总数,因为许多人不愿意承认。

Swam until he found the place where the mermen lingered, where the hostages were tied up, and his eyes searched wearily for Ron's bright red hair.


At Harvard Divinity School . There are some good minds there who are interested in thinking about the living form of faith in our time (Ron Thiemann, Sarah Coakley, and Jon Levinson), but the overall atmosphere of HDS is aggressively post-Christian.

那儿的确有几位了不起的思想家(Ron Thiemann,Sarah Coakley,以及 Jon Levinson),企图在我们当代演绎出信仰的鲜活形式;但是哈佛神学院整体呈现的氛围是一种后基督化的侵略性。

Ron Hubbard, Grace Hopper and several other sadists invent the Capitalization Of Boilerplate Oriented Language .

Ron Hubberd)赌博的时候输掉了。女王领着一批施虐狂,发明了&面向裹脚布的全大写语言&。

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Love Generation (Ron Caroll Remix)
Da Doo Ron Ron
Doctor Ron The Actor
Funeral Music (Cam'ron Diss)

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
