英语人>网络例句>RC 相关的网络例句
与 RC 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among the products,sulphur brown B3R ,sulphur blue BR508,sulphur blue BRN,fast scarlet RC base,fast garnet GBC base and dual sulphur black BRN,BN have won the High Quality products title both from Shandong province and the ministry.

尤其省、部优产品硫化红棕 B3R ;硫化兰 BR508;硫化兰 BRN ;双倍硫化黑 BRN 、 BN ;大红色基 RC ;枣红色基 GBC 等品种倍受国内外用户欢迎。

Active filter circuit is made of active device and RC network filtering circuit.


Based on Op-Amp, the realization of a RC active current mode of high pass filter circuit is given.

摘 要:以运算放大器Op-Amp为基础,提出了构成有源RC电流模式负反馈高通滤波电路全集成MOSFET-C的平衡结构。

In this thesis, we propose a neural fuzzy call admission and rate control scheme. Considering the outage probabilities of all services, forced termination probability, the interference mean at the next time instant, and the influence of a call request on the adjacent cell, NFCAC-RC guarantee the QoS requirements and maximize the utilization of the system.


The test results also indicate that separating RC ultra short column into separated columns (shear span to depth ratio higher than 2) by gapping longitudinally at the middle of ultra short column can improve the ductility and deformation capacity of the columns effectively.


In this design, a single-phase exciting signal generated by RC oscillatory circuit is applied to the rotor of synchro. The sine and cosine signals induced on stator are amplified by instrumentation amplifier and connected to the converter AD2S83, which is designed according to tracking goniometry. Digital logic control and address encoding are processed by FPGA, and the converted 16-bit parallel angle data and direction signal are transferred to DSP.


In this design, a single-phase exciting signal gener AT ed by RC oscill AT ory circuit is applied to the rotor of synchro. The sine and cosine signals induced on st AT or are amplified by instrument AT ion amplifier and connected to the converter AD2S83, which is designed according to tracking goniometry. Digital logic control and address encoding are processed by FPGA , and the converted 16-bit parallel angle d AT a and direction signal are transferred to DSP.

本设计中通过RC振荡电路为感应同步器转子提供单相激磁信号,定子上感应出来的正弦和余弦两路信号通过仪表放大器的差分放大之后提供给基于跟踪型测角原理的转换芯片AD2S83,通过 FPGA 实现数字逻辑控制以及地址解码,将转换后的16位并行转角数据以及方向信号送入DSP中。

Paladin Leader,This is Graz RC,you are on RADAR contact.


Onnect a series RC from COMP to ground. See the Loop


Children in the lowest RC-DQI quartile scored lower in all components.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
