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与 Pulse 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the voltage doubling rectifying circuit, the high voltage has been realized by the positive and negative way, and the voltage between the cathode and anode could reach 1700 V. In the fly-back switching high-voltage power supply, considering the requirements of each unit of the driving circuits on the power supply, the three-group voltage outputs including low-voltage outputs have been realized: 1600V/20mA,12V/500mA, 5V/50mA, in which UC3842 has been used to achieve pulse width modulation.


During this time the transformer produces the high-voltage flyback pulse.


However, the pulse width becomes broad considering TOD or FOD.


He heard a footfall in the passage outside and felt his pulse quicken.


Assess the temperature of the ankle and forefoot, and check for the presence of the peripheral pulse.


It accords with MIL-T-28800C to formulary temperature, pulse vibrates and carry bumpy index.


Variations of attenuation coefficients with rain rate for MP and LP model are compared under Mie theory and Rayleigh approximation. The approach to the solution of the Fourier integral in closed form is adopted for pulse propagation through rain medium .


Possible generation of ultrashort optical pulse in far-infrared free electron .


The transform of heavy metal with the change of temperature utilizing the software-FactSage was simulated; the power of free electron was calculated and the mechanism of organic pollutants decomposition by pulse discharge was analyzed.


While the laser diode was working on a repetition rate of 10 Hz at power as high as 60 W and pulse width of 400 μs, a free running stable oscillation with output energy of 3 mJ was obtained.

在重复频率为10 Hz,泵浦脉宽为400 μs,峰值功率为60 W的泵浦速率下,激光弛豫振荡每周期输出的能量为3 mJ,相应的全光光效率为12.5%。

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The Pulse
Mind Machine
Body Work
Happens In The Dark
No Mean City
Take The World
Dull Tool
Feel My Pulse

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
