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与 Pulse 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We had also performed numerical simulations to study energetic particle injection at L=3.5 to discuss the effect of different pulse parameters on particle injection.

我们也完成在 L=3.5 的电子流量模拟,讨论不同的脉冲参数对於粒子传输的影响和电磁脉冲传输粒子至该处的可能性,以了解是否此电磁脉冲模型可应用於了解磁暴时,在 L=3.5 处高能粒子流量增加的可能性。

Laser acoustic energy conversion efficiency induced by pulse laser in water.


According to singular entropy and Percent of contribution to total energy, the de-noising rank is obtained and the signal is reconstructed. The thesis compares reconstruct wave form of different reconstruct rank and the error of original signal and reconstruct signal is contrasted.According to voltage flicker measurement, voltage flicker detection method based on Mathe Matical filtering and Teager Energy Operator is proposed. The multiple MM filter filters out pulse noise and white noise contained in fliker signal, then the filtered signal is tracked accurately and quikly via TEO.


Large numbers of experiments internal and external had confirmed both direct current and square pulse of distal end cathodal could improve peripheral nerve regeneration, because it could speed up transmigration, creeper, growth and development of cell Schwann, derivate growth of nerve fiber; it also increased blood capillary of epineurium, brood blood vessel, amendment ischemic of impaired nerve, it still could accelerate Wallerian


All accord with DMS of professional sex acute toxic diagnostic standard [2] , spend gently among them, in spend each 4. Classics mouth conduit gives to suck oxygen and heart report custody namely after 1.3 cure and result are admitted to hospital 8 times, diagnose hind all applies antibiotic to prevent infection all over, pulverization is inspiratory eliminate laryngeal oedema, and support treatment to disease, strengthen a foundation to nurse. Degree of saturation of 4 pulse oxygen (SpO2)75%~85%, 2 routine are tracheal dissection, epispastic gas secretion of appearance of the bubble inside the canal, afterwards grants to breathe out...


Key words fast-pulse transmission line; equivalent distributed capacitance model; matching method; numerical computation

实际情况中,N个负载电容沿传输线均匀分布,且传输线的总长度不是很长,即传输损耗在可接受的范围内,2 匹配计算方法

The results of numerical computation show that pulse transmission line of multi-small-loading capacitance with proportional spacing can be well compensated by the equivalent distributed capacitance method.

图1为快脉冲传输线负载模型,根据传输线理论和分布参数理论,取样门最终可等效为加载到传输线的多个容值很小(0.3 pF)的电容负载。

And a kind of pulse equivalence method used to measure dividing error was offered, which can be used as a way to get the error curve and self-diagnosis in case of lack high precision measuring instruments.


Pulse detected in the human body when debugging with the function of error.


By tuning the etalon bandwidth, we can shorten the pulse width in a specific channel to 1.8 ps.


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The Pulse
Mind Machine
Body Work
Happens In The Dark
No Mean City
Take The World
Dull Tool
Feel My Pulse

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
