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Here I reported new structural data to answer above question, including field section observations and geologic map with large scale in a key area, accompanying with detail microstructural observations, quartz C-axial fabric analyses, and tectono-thermogeochronology (40Ar/39Ar and zircon SHRIMP U-Pb method). Taking available previous data into account, following progression is achieved:1. Completely rebuilding the post late-Paleozoic deformation history of the Harlik MountainFive stages of deformation were identified:(1)pre-Permian compression deformation which may have resulted from pre-Permian subduction;(2) earlier Permian post-collision extension;(3) middle Permian west-east directed dextral slip shearing;(4) later Permian nearly N-S compression deformation; and (5) later Cenozoic intra-plate N-S compressional deformation.
本文选择新疆东部哈尔里克山为研究对象,通过详细的野外路线地质构造调查和关键地区大比例尺地质填图,以及室内显微结构观察、石英岩组分析和构造热年代学(Ar-Ar和锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年)研究,结合前人研究成果,取得了如下新进展:1、系统重建了哈尔里克山晚古生代以来的变形历史识别和确定了该区板块俯冲碰撞阶段的二叠纪以前挤压变形,后碰撞阶段早二叠世伸展变形、中二叠世近东西向右行走滑变形和晚二叠世近南北向挤压变形,以及板内演化阶段的晚新生代南北向挤压变形等5期构造变形事件。
Paleozoic stratum can be separated east and west stratigraphical areas, according to lithological character and palaeontological information, contacted relationships and diversification of stratigraphical units in horizontal and vertical etc. The stratums in west area can be divided Devonian-Carboniferous Nanduan formation and Permian Laba formation, which is passive continental margin-bathyal depositional sequences comprised argillaceous and detrital rocks, small siliceous and carbonatite in upper. The stratums in east area can be divided lower-middle Devonian Wenquan formation and middle-upper Devonian Manxin formation, upper Devonian-lower Carboniferous Pingzhang formation, Carboniferous-Permian Yutangzhai formation, middle Permian Damingshan formation, upper Permian Shifodong formation respectively, moreover, middle-upper Permian Huoju formation is exposed in Menglian area.
A good many mico-landblock of the early Neoproterozoic-Cambrian volcanic rock that distribute in the Tianshan orogenic belt and on its both sides, and the Carboniferous-Permian volcanic rocks that widely distribute in the Tianshan and adjacent regions are selected for subject investigating in this paper. Renewing the ocean-land format and ocean-land conversion process of Tianshan orogenic belt in the Paleozoic is the masterstroke for this paper. On the basis of detailed field investigation, many subjects, such asregional lithology、geochemistry、structural geology、volcanic sedimentology geology、sotope geochronology and synthesis analysis study of geophysics data, are adopted as instrumentality in the paper, this study lays emphasis on the formation, evolution and dynamics of early Neoproterozoic-Cambrian and Carboniferous-Permian volcanic rock in the Tianshan and its adjacent regions to find out Carboniferous-Permian volcanic rock property, eruptive sequence, time and space distribution characteristics, to resume and reconstruct evolution process of Carboniferous-Permian volcanic rock, and to explore connection of magmatism process and lithosphere stretching action of neopaleozoic ocean-land transformation in the Tianshan region.
Based on the new Permian geologic time scale proposed by the author,the lithofacies paleogeography and paleotectonics and their evolution during the Permian in China have been discussed in this paper under the new Permian geologic timescale proposed by the authors.
The temperature of basin was influenced greatly by matle heat conduction, magmatic heat and radioelement decay during the time of Early Permian-Late Permian rifting, while in the down-warped basin from the late stage of Late Permian to the present the temperature has been greatly affected by geothermal gradient and tectogenetic transition heat.
New available geological and geochemical data of volcanic rocks indicate the coexistence of an islandarc system in the Gangdese and an extensional setting in the Himalayas during the Early to Middle Permian. Peraluminous Stype granites near Pikang (~263 Ma), the Songdo eclogite of the same metamorphic age (~262 Ma), and the regional angular unconformity between the Middle and the Upper Permian from the same geotectonic location suggest that the presentday Gangdese Retroarc Uplift Belt experienced a syncollisional orogeny at the latest Middle Permian (~263 Ma).
新的地质和地球化学资料显示早-中二叠世时俯冲背景和伸展背景共存于现今的冈底斯带和喜马拉雅带,中二叠世末期(大约263 Ma)侵位的皮康过铝质S型花岗岩以及同期发生的松多榴辉岩的高压变质作用和区域性角度不整合指示现今的冈底斯弧背断隆带在那时经历了同碰撞造山事件。
Based on the analysis on brachiopod fossils of the late middle Permian,the brachiopod extinction in Pre-Lopingian event of late middle Permian in this area can be divided into two sub screens: the first screen in the end of earlier Wushisanti Subage a...
Based on the analysis on brachiopod fossils of the late middle Permian, the brachiopod extinction in The Lopingian event of late middle Permian in this area can he divided into two sub screens: the first screen in the end of earlier Wushisanti Subage and the second screen in the end of later Daozuanyan Subage. The second screen's extinct scope is larger than the first screen's.
Data of major andminor elements in magnetite, cassiterite, galena and sphalerite from oredeposits within this ore belt suggest that these ore deposits are of skarn,hydrothermal, porphyry and greisen types related to Yanshanian magmaticactivity and that iron in ores came from regional Permian marine interme-diate-basic volcanic rocks whereas partial lead and zinc from Permian geo-synclinic sediments.
From the Early Permian to Middle Permian reefs increased in geographic distribution and maximum thickness.
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