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与 Passover 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Passover was always a time of great tension and expectation, because according to Jewish beliefs the Messiah, the longed-for savior, would reveal Himself in Jerusalem at a Passover festival.


Pascha {pas'-khah} of Aramaic origin cf 06453; TDNT - 5:896,797; n n AV - Passover 28, Easter 1; 29 1 the paschal sacrifice (which was accustomed to be offered for the people's deliverance of old from Egypt) 2 the paschal lamb, i.e. the lamb the Israelites were accustomed to slay and eat on the fourteenth day of the month of Nisan in memory of the day on which their fathers, preparing to depart from Egypt, were bidden by God to slay and eat a lamb, and to sprinkle their door posts with its blood, that the destroying angel, seeing the blood, might pass over their dwellings; Christ crucified is likened to the slain paschal lamb 3 the paschal supper 4 the paschal feast, the feast of the Passover, extending from the 14th to the 20th day of the month Nisan

相关经文回前一页 3957 pascha {pas'-khah}源於亚兰文,见希伯来文字典 06453; TDNT - 5:896,797;中性名词 AV - Passover 28, Easter 1; 29 1 逾越节的牺牲(习俗上用以纪念以色列人的祖先被从埃及带领出来) 2 逾越节的羔羊,亦即以色列人习俗上在尼散月十四日所宰杀而吃的羔羊,用以纪念他们的先祖在准备离开埃及前,依神的命令而宰吃羔羊,并将其血洒在门楣上,当灭命天使见到这血时,就越过该户;基督的上十架被比喻为这被杀的逾越节羔羊 3 逾越节的晚餐 4 逾越节的筵席,为纪念逾越节而有的筵席,由尼散月十四日一直进行到廿日

For, whereas the school of Shammai is said to have allowed a proselyte who was circumcised on the eve of the Passover, to partake after baptism of the Passover, 1 The case supposed by the school of Shammai would, however, have been impossible, since, according to Rabbinic directions, a certain time must have elapsed between circumcision and baptism.

为,而学校的Shammai据说已允许proselyte谁是割礼的前夕,逾越节,参与洗礼后的逾越节, 1案件理应由学校的Shammai但是,已经不可能,因为根据拉比的方向,在一定时间必须相隔割礼和洗礼。

The word parasceve may denote the preparation for any Sabbath and may be the common designation for any Friday, and its connexion with pasch need not mean preparation for the Passover but Friday of the Passover season and hence this Sabbath was a great Sabbath.


The word parasceve may denote the preparation for any Sabbath and may be the common designation for any Friday, and its connexion with pasch need not mean preparation for the Passover but Friday of the Passover season and hence this Sabbath was a great Sabbath.


The Gospel of John depicts the crucifixion just before the Passover festival on Friday 14 Nisan, called the Quartodeciman, whereas the synoptic gospels describe the Last Supper, immediately before Jesus' arrest, as the Passover meal on Friday 15 Nisan.


And if a stranger sojourns among you and would keep the Passover to the LORD, according to the statute of the Passover and according to its rule, so shall he do.


PASSOVER PREPARATIONS: Orthodox Jews collected water at an ancient Roman natural spring on the outskirts of Jerusalem for the Mayim Shelanu ritual to be used the following day to make matza, the unleavened bread eaten in the Jewish holiday of Passover.

逾越节准备:东正教犹太人在一个古老的罗马收集关于为Mayim Shelanu仪式在耶路撒冷郊外的天然泉水,用于第二天作出matza,无酵面包吃在犹太人逾越节假期。

The Passover and the feast of unleavened bread, according to the custom, the jews in during Passover, cannot eat bread and fermented food.


Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem at the end of his ministry is usually associated with the Passover Feast, but some scholars (such as Hyam Maccoby and Eliezer Segal) point out that details of the entry, such as the Hosanna shout, the waving of palm fronds, and the proclamation of a king, are more consistent with the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkoth, than with Passover.

耶稣在传道结束的时候胜利地进入了耶路撒冷,通常是与逾越节相联系,但一些学者(例如 Hyam Maccoby 和 Eliezer Segal指出了进入的细节,例如是呼叫赞美上帝之语,棕榈叶的挥动,还有宣称成为王,比起逾越节来,更加多地与礼拜堂的节日,或者是住棚节相一致。

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Cthulhu Dawn

It was charming of him to be so solicitous about her health, and of course he was right.


You're a special group.


Do not you go to the office on weekday ?
