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By accident I saw this blogger activity "10-places-of-my-city". Thinking carefully, I didn't even know some of the places that I go very often. So I've decided to follow the trend and take my own note, to get to know even more clearly of where I am living - Vicenza, the city of Palladio.


The Villa Rotonda, Vicenza, Italy, designed by Andrea Palladio.

/ 11 位于意大利维琴察的罗通达别墅是由安德烈亚·帕拉迪奥设计。

Before starting our tour of monticello, i'd like to give you some historical facts that might help you appreciate what you see today even more Monticello was very much loved home of thomas Jefferson for over fifty year Jeferson who was ,of course president,was also a great reader and language enthusiast he read widely on different subjects including architecture ,he wasn'tt formally trained in architecture but as a result of his study and observation of other bulidings he was able to help design and build the house he chose the site himself, nameing the estate"Monticello" which means"little mountain"in Italian in fact many of ideas behind the design also came from the Italian architect Andrea Palloadio who lived in the sixteenth century and who had a great influence on the architecture of england Jefferson,however,ignored one of Palladio's principles that is , not to bulid in a high place Monticello's elevation made the transportaion of what was needed at the house for example food --- especially difficult.

出发之前,我们参观了Monticello的, i使用' D想给你提供一些历史事实,或许有助于你明白你所看到的,今天更 Monticello的十分喜爱家托马斯杰弗逊超过五十年 jeferson人,当然是总统,这也是一个很大的读者和语文爱好者他广泛阅读不同科目包括建筑,他的。结论'特正式的培训体系但由于他的研究和观察的其他bulidings 他能帮助设计和建造房子他选择了自己的网站, nameing地产& Monticello的&这意味着,&小岳&,在意大利语事实上许多理念设计,也来自意大利的设计师安德列palloadio 住在16世纪,谁造成了很大的影响,对建筑的英格兰杰弗逊,但忽视了一个帕拉第奥单曲原则那便是不要bulid在一个高的地方 Monticello的单曲抬高了transportaion的是什么,需要在众议院例如食品-特别是困难。

The city is a permanent exhibition of some of his finest buildings, and as he was born—in Padua, to be precise—500 years ago, the International Centre for the Study of Palladio's Architecture has an excellent excuse for mounting la grandemostra , the big show.

维琴 察是大师部分最优秀建筑作品的永久展馆,而且今年恰逢他在此诞辰500周年,CISA(国际帕拉第奥建筑研究中心)藉此绝佳机会举办了一场大型纪念展览会。

Vicenza is not only famous for its gold fairs. Its fame also comes from two world renowned architects, Andrea Palladio and his pupil Vicenza Scamozzi, in the 16th century.


In 1791 James Hoban (1762-1831) won the commission to build the presidential residence with his plan for a Georgian mansion in the style of Andrea Palladio.


The main square of Viccenza and major area for market. Beside the square there's the famous Basilica Palladiana that was designed and constructed by Palladio. This building with boat shaped roof in pale green color is the landmark of Vicenza.

市中心最大的广场,市集的主要地点,有著帕拉底欧设计建造的Basilica Palladiana,这个有著浅绿色船型屋顶的建筑物,是维琴察的地标。

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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
