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Oryza sativa相关的网络例句

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与 Oryza sativa 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to Hwyda Arafat, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of Surgery at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, nigella sativa helps treat a broad array of diseases, including some immune and inflammatory disorders.

据Thomas Jefferson大学Jefferson医学中心的外科副教授Hwyda Arafat, M.D。博士所说,nigella sativa能够帮助治疗扩散排列的疾病,包括一些免疫和炎性机能紊乱。

Cytoembryological studies were employed to reveal theorigin of haploid and to determine the cytological factersrelating to the production of diploid polyembryony withinone embryo sac occurring in natural population of apolyembryonic line SB-1 of O.sativa.


The types,morphology,number,distribution and density of antennalsensilla in five leafroller moths species,i.e.Ancylis sativa Liu,Aclerisfimbriana Thunberg,Grapholitha molesta,Spilonota lechriaspisMeyrick and Adoxophyes orana Fischer von Roslerstamm,were observedwith microscope and electron microscope.Seven types of sensillum,i.e.sensillum trichodea,sensillum chaetica,sensillum coeloconica,sensillumstyloconica,sensillum squamiformia and Bohm's bristles were present inboth sexes and all five species.The number and density of sesillum trichodeaare much more than other types of sensillum.

用扫描电镜和相差显微镜对枣粘虫Ancylis sativa Liu、黄斑长翅卷蛾Acleris fimbriana Thunberg、梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta、芽白小卷蛾Spilonota lechriaspis Meyrick、棉褐带卷蛾Adoxophyes orana Fischer von Roslerstamm五种卷叶蛾触角感受器的类型、形态、数量、分布、密度进行了观察,结果发现在所有五种的雌雄成虫触角上都具有七种类型的感受器,它们是毛形感器、刺形感器、腔锥感器(S.coeloconica)、栓锥感器(S.styloconica)、鳞形感器(S.squamiformia)、耳形感器(S.auricillica)和Bohm氏鬃毛(Bohm's bristles)。

The present thesis showed that root elongation of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) during a 24-h period was inhibited by 80% by the exposure to 5 umol L-1 Al and its roots was obviously stained by eriochrome cyanine R; however, the roots of stylo need to be exposure to 30umol L-1 Al in order to get obviously stained with its root elongation was inhibited by 68%, which shows, for stylo, its ability of tolerance to aluminum is strong.

本研究发现,5 μmol L~(-1)AlCl_3使紫花苜蓿根长抑制80.0%,铝处理后的根尖被铬天青明显染色,而柱花草经30 μmol L~(-1)的AlCl_3处理后方观察到根尖明显染色的现象,根的伸长受抑制68.0%,表明柱花草抵御铝毒能力较强。

The paper focuses on the tetraploidy black locust on Loess plaeatu of West Shanxi province, applys steady state promoter method and image processing technology to study the days transpiration water consumption in different weather ,different seasons and different site conditions,has primary analysis on the impact of environment on the transpiration and carries on the calculation to the tetraploidy locust tree by the single leaf water consumption to the single tree water consumption in CaiJiachuan watershed; Uses fast weighing method to measure and analyze the transpiration water consumption of five different herbs under the tetraploidy black locust forest (Capillary Wormwood,Vanilla,Agropyron Sristatum , Common Sowthistle and Medicago Sativa) in short time, in the same and different growcrop,and calculates the average transpiration water consumption per square metres ;the soil colome weighing method was used for determining diumal variation quantity of soil moisture evaporation, analyzing the dynamic variation and caculating the total quantity of soil evaporation water consumption from May to August ; then 5 kind of suppositions about the types of surface vegetation coverage are proposed in experimented site and the total evapotranspiration water consumption are calculated under 5 suppoitions ,aim at providing preliminary theoretic basis for ascertaining the transpiration water consumption of tetraploidy black locust forest,controling standing forest density and optimizing the forest grass deploy on loess plaeatu of west Shanxi province .


Influences of salt stress to Alternanthera philoxeroides and Orgza sativa were silimar to that of drought stress.


Alternanthera philoxeroides which is resistant to osmotic stress and Orgza sativa were used as the materials for these experiments.

本研究以具有较强抗逆性的空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.Griseb和水稻Orgza sativa ssp。

The damages of the leaves and roots tissues in Alternanthera philoxeroides were lighter than that observed in Orgza sativa under osmotic stress.


To investigate the relationship between autotoxicity and continuous cropping obstacle and to find a reasonable crop rotation system for Angelica sinensis (a common traditional Chinese medicinal plant). Aqueous extracts from root, stem and leaf of A. sinensis at vegetative stage were analyzed for autotoxicity and allelopathic effect on Brassica campestris, Triticum aestivum, Avena sativa which are often grown in regions where A.


Now you can add a youthful energy to the pursuit of your passions with our concentrated Avena Sativa extract.


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Circle Gang Anthem
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Down 2 Tha Last Roach
Rep 2 Tha Fullest

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