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与 October 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Union's inflexibility on the issue forced the administration to lift the ban in October.


Statistics show that in October there were 17 funds at the same time the influx of distribution channels.


The golden October is for ingathering, and I have worked overtime for more than a month.


It was Medvedev, says a source close to the Kremlin, who secured the resignation of Ingush president Murat Zyazikov, when the conflict in Ingushetia worsened in October.

据来自克里姆林宫的可靠消息,当去年10月份印古什发生骚乱时是梅德韦杰夫确保了其总统Murat Zyazikov的辞职。

In Euroblade, October, Southampton's city streets are closed off and turned into a track for inline skating.

在euroblade月, 10月,英国南安普敦的城市街道封闭,变成了一个轨道,旱冰。

In October 1993, the Inter-Parliamentary Union held in the Canadian capital of Ottawa,"North-South dialogue to promote world prosperity," the General Assembly will be issued after the "final document", called on developed countries and developing countries to oppose trade protectionism, calls for developed countries to cancel all the poorest government debt, urge developed countries and international financial institutions and direct investment to developing countries to provide technical.


The State Council decided since October 9, 2008, the savings deposit interest income on the waiver to levy personal income tax.


At the same time, the State Council decided since October 9, 2008, the savings deposit interest income on the waiver to levy personal income tax.


Despite these emotional concerns, the emperor makes no interlinear comments or emphasis marks on the preliminary section of General Yue's October 30 report.


They will be available internationally in October.


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October Song
Early October
When October Goes
October Songs
Eight Times Over Miss October
Cold October
Like Fake Blood In Crisp October

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
