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与 October 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Blackmore I was up the next morning before the October sunrise, and away though t he wild and the woodland.


PARIS, October 5, 1999 – Couture blaxploitation, logos-a-go-go, leather-clad revolutionaries, whip-toting modern courtesans--where else but at Dior?

巴黎, 1999年10月5日-时装b laxploitation,标志--去-去,皮革一般的革命家,鞭t oting现代c ourtesans-还有什么地方,但在迪奥?

Since Mariano Rivera gave up that bloop single to Luis Gonzalez in 2001, the Yankees haven't really been the Yankees once the calendar flips to October.

自从Mariano Rivera在2001年被Luis Gonzalez击出再见一垒安打后,洋基已不再是以往十月的洋基。

BMW's China sales jumped 81% in October to 9,558 cars.


Lesson 102:Bob Geldof's life changed one October evening in 1984 when he was watching TV.

1984年十月的一个晚上Bob Geldof的生活发生了变化,他当时正在看电视。

The major papers from a conference on the minjung theology, October 22, 1979, were edited by Yong - Bock Kim, director of the Christian Institute for the Study of Justice and Development in Seoul, and published as Minjung Theology: People as the Subjects of History.

主要论文,从一个会议,讨论minjung神学, 1979年10月22日,被主编勇-博克金,总的基督徒学会,为研究正义与发展,在汉城,并刊登于m injung神学:人作为发展的主体历史。

Joseph Bodin de Boismortier (23 December 1689 in Thionville – 28 October 1755 in Roissy-en-Brie ) was a French baroque composer of instrumental music, cantatas , opera ballets , and vocal music.

约瑟夫博丹德Boismortier(1689年12月23日在蒂永维尔- 1755年10月28日在鲁瓦西昂布里),法国的器乐,清唱剧,歌剧芭蕾舞和声乐音乐巴洛克作曲家。

Actually not only do you have this sensitive mathematical degree being triggered, you also have Mars and Venus in perfect sync in your financial house on October 14, boding good tidings.


Transvaal President Paul Kruger in the ancient intolerable finally in the case in October 1899 issued an ultimatum to the British, 11, the Boer War (Boer War 1899-1902) broke out.

德兰士瓦总统保罗·古鲁格在忍无可忍的情况下终于在1899年10月向英国发出最后通牒,11日布尔战争(Boer War 1899-1902)爆发。

The commercial treaty was embodied in the supplementary Treaty of the Bogue in October 1843, by which the Chinese were allowed free access to Hong Kong Island for trading purposes.


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October Song
Early October
When October Goes
October Songs
Eight Times Over Miss October
Cold October
Like Fake Blood In Crisp October

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
