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与 Octavia 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lars drove faster than she had ever seen him try, but Octavia didn't complain.

Lars 开得比她见过的任何一次都快,不过 Octavia 一点都没抱怨。

Octavia Bren has some serious news for us. He paused a moment, looking around.

Octavia Bren 有些严重的事情要对我们说,他停了一下,环顾四周。

The room erupted with exclamations, questions, and suggestions, and Octavia knew she had gotten their attention.

这次大厅里爆出了连串的惊叹、疑问,还有建议, Octavia 知道她已经吸引了他们的注意了。

She didn't notice how long he stood in silent awe before he started yelling for her. Octavia!

她没有发觉他在安静的凝视中站了多久,直到他向她大叫:Octavia !

Just what we need-another thing to worry about , Octavia thought, looking at the graph with concern.

可能要担心一下其他的事情了。看着地震仪的图表, Octavia 心想。

To Octavia's relief, with the exception of three colonists, the vote was unanimous.

让 Octavia 欣慰的是,她的建议几乎被一致通过,只有三个人反对。

Next year, Octavia would be facing the same decision, and choices were few in Free Haven.

只要再过一年, Octavia 也得面对同样的情况,在 Free Haven 极少的选择里做出决定。

Octavia exited from the other side, hopping from the step to the broad tractor treads to the ground.

Octavia 从另外一侧出来,从宽阔的机械脚上的台阶跳到地面上。

Lars and Octavia sat together in weary silence, just waiting out the disaster.

Lars 和 Octavia 疲倦地坐在一起,谁都不说话,等着灾难过去。

Small animals of species Octavia had never seen-they probably weren't edible anyway- scampered out of the way.

各种 Octavia 从来没见过的小型动物--估计不能吃--纷纷避开他们的路线。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
