英语人>网络例句>Oct 相关的网络例句
与 Oct 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the Oct 11th of 2009, We took train to visite the Northwestern University of the American.


Said that in the Oct 30th,there would be a more alive festival in the Navy warf, but I would leave on that day......


Walker Pilot Independent,MN- Oct 19, 2006by Kris Winkelman.

沃克试办独立,锰10月19日, 06克里斯魏尔。

Walker Pilot Independent,MN- Oct 19, 2006by Kris Winkelman.

沃克试办独立,锰-1 0月1 9日, 2 006年克里斯魏尔。

Walker Pilot Independent,MN- Oct 19, 2006by Kris Winkelman.


There are two elements, a CSF-box and a octamer within G-CSF promoter are essential for its promoter activity. The CSF-box is a potential NF-κB binding site, and the octamer was bound by Oct-2.


The extremists, under such leaders as Johnston of Warristoun, James Guthrie, and Patrick Gillespie, attributing their defeat to the unholy alliance with the Malignants grew in vehemence and presented to the Committee of the Estates (30 Oct., 1650) a "Remonstrance" arraigning the whole policy of Argyll's government and refusing to accept Charles as their king "till he should give satisfactory evidence of his real change" ibid.

极端分子,在这样的领袖作为约翰斯顿warristoun ,詹姆斯伽丝瑞,帕特里克葛拉斯彼,归因於他们的失败,给非神圣同盟与malignants增长,在激烈的,并提交给该委员会的屋( 1650年10月30日)一个&谏& arraigning整个政策的阿盖尔的政府,并拒绝接受查尔斯为王&,直至他应该给令人满意的证据,证明他真正的变化&。

In the years since Oct. 18, 1968, when Beamon soared through the rarified air more than 7,000 feet above sea level in Mexico City, one record has replaced another in every other of the sport's many disciplines.

在未来几年以来, 1968年10月18日,当蒙飙升通过rarified空气多于七〇〇〇英尺高于海平面在墨西哥城,一个记录已取代另一个在每一个其他的这项运动的许多学科。

British Prime Minister Tony Blair strutted into the fashion world on Oct.31 -- then revealed that his attempts to cut a dash in the beachwear range proved a disaster.


On Oct 28th , between 19 and 22, there is English Corner to show oneself.

10月28日19:00-22:00,举办了 English Corner---展示自我的活动。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
