英语人>网络例句>Oct 相关的网络例句
与 Oct 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is intersting that mental retardation and disease of Gl system frequently come with schizophrenia in the the mining result, which needed further research to see whether there were any clinical significancy. The low cost level was those age was 0-9 y/o, those age 10-19 y/o with birth month was Jan., May., Aug., Dec.; those age was 50-59 y/o with birth month was Jan., Apr., Oct.


Oct. 3, 2009. That would be Fred Couples' 50th birthday. If you think he's cleaned up over the years during the Silly Season, just wait 'til he hits the Champions Tour.


That it was merely carrying out a policy mandated by Congress. Realizing that all hope was lost, China was forced to effectively abandon the silver standard on Oct. 14, 1934, though an official statement was postponed until Nov.


The five-game road skid is the longest for the Yanks since Sept.19-Oct.1, 2000, when they dropped nine straight.

而5场客场全败是洋基自2000年的9/19-10/1之后最长的,(2000年那次)他们输了9场。6 g。

Objective To investigate the application of anterolateral thigh fasciocutaneous flap on abdominal chronic ulcer,and provide evidence for its clinical use. Methods From Oct 2005 to Dec 2008,5patients with abdominal ulcer caused by different reasons were repaired with anterolateral thigh fasciocutaneous flap, the flap pedicled with rami descenden of lateral circumflex femoral artery was designed according to the size of abdominal defect,the vessel pedicle was dissociated adequately, the flap was transferred to the abdominal wound under appropriate tension through tunnel, the donor site was sutured directly or repaired with skin-grafting. Results The anterolateral thigh fasciocutaneous flap survived well in all 5 patients,there were no other complication such as skin necrosis.


Special events - There are events like Titanic Memorial (Sep 4), the Southampton Boat Show (Sep 16-25) and Trafalgar Day with trips on the SS Shieldhall on the Solent (Oct 21), which are specific to Southampton.

特殊事件有类似的事件泰坦尼克号纪念馆,南安普敦船展( 9月16-25 )和特拉一天行程,就党卫军shieldhall对艘战舰( 10月21日),它是具体的南安普敦。

28 And Oct. 24. Company spokesman Chuck Herring would not say whether DigitalGlobe captured those images speculatively or at the request of a customer.

公司发言人Chuck Herring没有表明数字地球公司是否投机性的捕捉到那些图像或者受委托于需要图像的顾客。

Began with the launch of Sputnik 1 on Oct.


The Space Age was just beginning: Sputnik was launched in Oct. 1957 and Explorer 1 in Jan.

太空时代才刚刚开始:一颗人造地球卫星发射1957年10月和Explorer 1(第一个美国卫星在1958年1月)。

A street sweeper pulls his cart along an street in Old Havana, Thursday, Oct.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
