英语人>网络例句>Oct 相关的网络例句
与 Oct 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oct. 27, 2004 — The Entristar gastrostomy tube system is beneficial for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, according to the results of a retrospective study published in the November issue of Radiology .

Oct。 27, 2004 --一项刊载於11月份放射线医学期刊上的回顾性研究指出,Entristar胃造口术管系统,对肌萎缩脊髓侧索硬化症患者会有助益。

OCT can quantitatively measure the RNFL thickness and show the difference of RNFL between normal persons and glaucomatous patients.


Design of CCD Grating Spectrometer with Refrigeration and Application in Fourier domain OCT .

带制冷的CCD 光栅光谱仪设计及其在频域OCT 中的应用。

Intrasession and intersession reproducibility of RNFLT and GCC measurements with the RTVue-100 OCT are satisfactory for diagnostic purposes, both in normals and in patients with different glaucoma severity.

期间间和期间内RNFLT和GCC测量的重复性(采用RTVue-100 OCT)用于诊断正常人和不同青光眼严重性是令人满意的。

SSEA-1and Oct-4 were not detected at the protein nor the mRNA level in the limbus and cornea.


In 10 eyes, OCT also showed a shallow foveal detachment at the top of the dome-shaped macula.


Various influence factors of mercaptan sulfur in OCT-M hydrotreated FCC naphtha are analyzed , and hydrogenation reaction temperature and H2 S content in recycle hydrogen can be considered as the key influence factors.


Oct 3;419(6906):475-80..

Oct 3;419(6906):475-80。。

Methods 7 patients (14 eyes) with Stargardt′s were diagnosed by ocular fundus photochromy, and 6 patients (12 eyes) received FFA and 7 patients (14 eyes) received OCT.

方法对 Stargardt病患者7例14眼拍摄彩色眼底图像,其中6例12眼行FFA检查,7例14眼行黄斑区OCT检查。

Like leakage to the fovea was measured by FFA and OCT combined with fundus photochromy.

结果 59个渗漏点在OCT上和/或眼底彩色照相上有阳性体征者54个(91.5%)。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
