英语人>网络例句>Np 相关的网络例句
与 Np 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The shortest path problem is a basic problem in network design,which is NP-complete.


To derive the desired FR construction,'argument skeleton'approach of Lebeaux (1988) is assumed, in which an argument skeleton, an operator-variable construction formed as a result of the operation Move-α, is adjoined to a rooted argument skeleton containing an abstract NP with indefinite meaning.

关于英语自由关系分句的生成,作者移植Lebeaux(1988)的'argument skeleton'理论:一个由于Move-α操作过程而产生的算子-变量结构,作为一个argumentskeleton,与内含一个意义不确定之名词的主argument skeleton接合,即生成一个自由关系分句。

Sory .But I am tied np all day tomorrow .!


And I played some games and got more than 3000 np on hand, so I could not feed him at the Soup Kitchen !


The vessel stowage planning is not only a complex combination and optimization problem, but also a NP-Complete problem.


Now HLS has absorbed much research attention in IC-CAD field. In HLS, algorithms represented by algorithm description language are transformed into hardware structure description consisted of resisters and transfers. In the transforming process, synthesis of datapath is a core. The other works is based on it. And in the synthesis of datapath, operation scheduling, functional unit allocation and binding all are NP-Completeness problems. The structure of their solution space is not known well. If we must find a global optimum solution, we can only use exhaustion. This way needs too much computation for VLSI synthesis, and is impractical in Industry. So usually heuristic algorithms are used to search suboptimum solution.


Because of the NP-hard nature of the solution space, a genetic algorithm using symbolic coding is proposed.


The first part is about finding the method which can greatly en-hance thermostability of NP assembly.


This is mainly because time-table problem belongs to NP-complete category. So this paper will focus on the exploration and study courses scheduling algorithm, especially on the research of classification algorithm.


From the experiment of fertilizer which is one technology of cultivation, forage triticale is very sensitive to NP and Org.

研究对与小黑麦栽培调控关系最为密切的N、P、K 施肥反应做了研究,看出饲料小黑麦由于长势强生物量大,因而对NP 配合施用反映十分敏感,同样对优质有机肥反映亦很敏感。

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No Pressure
La Palabra Amor
Can't Seem To Get Over You

It was an old church not unlike the one Father Batista could be found at.


As Gang-du walks out to the riverbank with a delivery, he notices that a large crowd of people have gathered, taking pictures and talking about something hanging from the Han River Bridge.


Phonak and GN Store Nord both said they will appeal against the decision.
