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与 NASA 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

NASA Blooper - Mars photo leaked - wood found on mars!

美国宇航局Blooper -火星照片泄露-木材发现火星上!

When it's your only chance to save the planet, NASA will make sure your first pit stop is with a broken-down Russian space station.


Salt is another bugaboo ." nasa is in a dilemma about salt ," says hunter . it makes food taste good , but too much can speed bone loss , which is already a problem in space


Capitalism won—but at the cost of creating, in NASA, one of the largest bureaucracies in American history.


NASA plans to extend and to enlarge Cape Kennedy for future programs.


As laid out, the Hiller/NASA flying crane would loiter at 3000m some 750km downrange from Cape Kennedy.


But because America's space agency, NASA, spends most of its money on the space station and the shuttle, little is left over for the innovative research and development in areas such as these that many people think it should be carrying out in the first place.

但是 ,由于美国空间机构——美国国家航空航天局,每年把大部分资金都投入到国际空间站和航天飞机上,在那些许多人认为应该优先进行创新研究和开发的领域里投入的资金就很少了。

Creating an image of a century plant inbloom, space shuttle Atlantis trails a column of fire and smoke as itraces into space on the STS-125 mission to service NASA's Hubble SpaceTelescope.


The ribbon "surprised everyone" on the IBEX team, says mission scientist Eric Christian of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.


Winget and fellow NASA chronobiologist Charles DeRoshia also offer advice to diminish the debilitating effects of jet lag: a week or so before departure begin adjusting your daily activities so that they coincide with the time schedule of your destination.


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Nasa Iyo Na Ang Lahat
NASA Is On Your Side

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
