英语人>网络例句>NASA 相关的网络例句
与 NASA 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It wasn't really an accident as much as a result of mind control programming which compelled her to commit suicide if she began to recover critical memories about her role as a top level NASA/CIA mind controlled 'asset' who was used as a sex slave and message courier for every president from Kennedy to Clinton and was Henry Kissinger 's personal secretary/human computer for over 19 years.

作为计划如果她恢复有关记忆就要迫使她自杀的精神控制的一个结果这并不是一起真正的事故,这些记忆是指她作为 NASA/CIA 高级别的精神控制&资产&--用来做从肯尼迪到克林顿的性奴和情报快递员,她还曾是亨利。基辛格的私人秘书和人体电脑,为期超过19年。

Everything seems to be going NASA's way for a Monday's planned liftoff of space shuttle Endeavor.


Matthew Hancher, a researcher at NASA';s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, on the other hand, looked at a framed Chang';e-1 moon image--the one unveiled by the government--and concluded that "the map is perfectly clear" in representing a sinusoidal projection.

美国NASA艾姆斯研究中心的科学家Matthew Hancher在看过了带有坐标的&嫦娥&1号照片——中国政府公布的——得出结论&这张照片很显然&采用的是正弦投影。

Obtained PhD in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA in 1998. Once a PostDoc and promoted to become a Research Scientist in MIT in 2000. Responsible for data analysis and modeling of the heliosphere in the NASA interplanetary exploration program.


Most NASA/JPL missions were dedicated to tracking the Anomaly which proved difficult due to its erratic velocity and orbital dynamics.

大多数 NASA/JPL 的任务是致力于追踪 Anomaly 的行踪,但事实证明, Anomaly 的速度不稳定无规律,其运行轨道也处于动态状况,因而难以追踪。

At NASA, in the spaceflight program, we use technology all the time.


Marshburn holds a medical degree and originally joined NASA back in 1994 as a flight surgeon.


Krikalev will serve as Station Commander,and Phillips is Flight Engineer and NASA International Space Station Science Officer.


This is Richard Nafzger, a Goddard Space Flight Center engineer who was in charge of television processing from all of NASA's ground receiving sites.


As the space shuttle Discovery touched down at Cape Canaveral here in Florida, NASA can look back on another successful mission.


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Nasa Iyo Na Ang Lahat
NASA Is On Your Side

I urge any American living outside the country to get an early start checking his/her registration and receiving an absentee ballot, because it can take a while.


He is too young to join the army.


Over time Winfrey has made the contents of the show more sophisticated and sympathetic, moving away from its sensationalist beginnings to an exploration of spirituality and community which has proved popular particularly with women.
