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与 N-phenylaniline 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The pupose of the research is to develops public key encryption and digital signature shemes based on matrix canonical decomposition problem, or matrix diagonalization problem over Z/n, the ring of integers with modulo-n addition and multiplication in particular, where n is an RSA modulus.


It is observed that each of the N nodes of an undirected double loop network can be represented by its coordinates in Cartesian coordinate system as mod N.

在这部分,我们主要是利用无向双环网的N个节点中的每个点都可用平面坐标系中的坐标,采用mod N的方式表示,从而发现N个节点在坐标平面中周期性地出现。

Through the analysis of the second power Cartesian product of natural number set N——N×N and the thirdpower Cartesian product of natural number set N——N×N×N,obtains the conclusion that they all have the bijective relation to natural number set N,it means that the set N×N and the set N×N×N are all countably infinite.


Since any n x n doubly stochastic circulant matrix has a unique representation as a polynomial of degree n - 1 in the shift operator wn, the classification problem of primes in the doubly stochastic circulant matrices can be reduced to the solution of an equation over a doubly stochastic circulant matrix.


According to Sarkovskii's theorem, if the continuous self-map f of the closed interval has a 3-periodic orbit, then f must has an n-periodic orbit for any positive integer n But f can not has all n-periodic orbits for some n.


If a n-dimensional unoriented cobordism class α_n containing a representative that admits a (Z_2)~k-action with fixed point set of constant codimension r,we may say that α∈is an ideal of the unoricnted cobordism ring MO_*=.


This article presented a new fast algorithm of Moore-Penrose inverse for an m×n symmetric Loewner-type matrix with full column rank by forming a special block matrix and studied its inverse. Its computation complexity was O+O(n^2), but it was O(mn^2)+O(n^3) by using L(superscript +)=L(superscript TL^(-1)L.

论文通过构造特殊分块矩阵并研究其逆矩阵,给出了秩为n的m×n对称Loewner矩阵Moore-Penrose逆的快速算法,该算法的计算复杂度为O+O(n^2),而通过L=L(上标 TL^(-1)L计算的复杂度为O(mn^2)+O(n^3)。

Rader's algorithm, exploiting the existence of a generator for the multiplicative group modulo prime N, expresses a DFT of prime size n as a cyclic convolution of size N 1, which can then be computed by a pair of ordinary FFTs via the convolution theorem (although Winograd uses other convolution methods).


This paper studies the curvilinear integral ∮ L[xn-1yn-1]/[x2n+k2y2n]where L is a sectioned smooth and no multiple points closed curve, n is some natural number, k is some positive number.


Methods Fifty pairs of fresh colorectal cancer and homologous normal tissues were genotyped with Identifiler Kit and the mutations generated in cancer tissues were determined. The mutation rates, the numbers of locus matched without identical allele (A0), 1 identical allele (A1), or 2 identical alleles (A2) and the number of total identical alleles IA(subscript n were calculated. Frequency distributions of A0, A1, A2 and IA were compared among CR-N group, unrelated individual pairs and full sibling pairs. Discrimination functions were established for individual identification from tumor tissues with discriminatory analysis.

用Identifiler系统对50对新鲜结直肠癌组织及其身源正常组织组进行STR分型,计算CR-N组中变异STR基因座及全不同基因座数(A0)、半相同基因座数(A1)、全相同基因座数(A2)和共有等位基因数IA(下标 n,比较CR-N组、无关个体对组和全同胞对组中上述参数的分布差异,通过判别分析建立判别函数。

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Play'n And Laugh'n
These 'n' That 'n' Those
Mah Nà Mah Nà
Thug N U Thug N Me
Rock 'n' Roll, Rock 'n' Roll
Gone N' Done N' Did It
Rock 'n' Roll 'n' You
You N Me N Everyone We Know

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
