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Result 5 compounds in Hickory nut oil were identified, and they were linoleic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid, and their contents were 63.48%, 19.90%, 11.96%, 3.31% and 1.35% resp. The fatty acid ratio of n-6 to n-3 was 5.31, which was close to that of recommended by China (4-5):1. The ratio of saturated fatty acid, monounsaturated fatty acidand polyunsaturated fatty acids in Hickory nut oil was 1:4.3:16, the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids was slightly higher, but it mainly contained linoleic acid and a-linoleic acid, which were inevitable fatty acid to human body.

结果]共鉴定出山核桃仁油中的5中化合物,即亚油酸、油酸、亚麻酸、棕榈酸和硬脂酸,其含量分别为63.48%、19.90%、11.96%、3.31%和1.35%;山核桃仁油中n-6: n-3脂肪酸比例为5.31,与我国推荐的n-6:n-3脂肪酸比例(4~5):1非常接近;山核桃仁油中饱和脂肪酸:单不饱和脂肪酸:多不饱和脂肪酸为1:4.3:16,多不饱和脂肪酸含量偏高,但多不饱和脂肪酸主要包括亚油酸和a-亚麻酸,均为人体必须脂肪酸。

Methods: Twenty-four rabbits were randomly divided into three groups:① the control group(group C, n=8): received sternotomy only and no ischemia;② the ischemia/reperfusion group(group I/R, n=8): the left lungs of rabbits were rendered ischemia by ligating the left pulmonary hili for 60 minutes followed by 60 minutes reperfusion;③ the edaravone group(group E, n=8): the left lungs were rendered ischemia for 60 minutes followed by 60 minutes reperfusion, and 10 mg/kg edaravone was administered intravenously 5 minutes prior to ischemia. Blood MDA and SOD were measured. Protein concentrations, WBC count, and PMN percentage in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid were determined. Samples of left lung tissue were sent for determining the left lung dry-to-wet weight ratio and evaluating the pathologic changes.

采用兔肺原位热缺血再灌注损伤模型进行研究。24只大白兔随机分为三组:①对照组(C组, n=8),开胸后不阻断肺门,静脉缓慢推注生理盐水5ml/kg;②缺血再灌注组(I/R组, n=8),左肺接受60min的缺血,然后接受60min再灌注,于缺血前5min静脉缓慢推注生理盐水5ml/kg;③依达拉奉干预组(E组, n=8),于缺血前5min静脉缓慢推注依达拉奉10mg/kg(5ml/kg),左肺接受60min的缺血,然后接受60min再灌注。120min实验结束时,留取各组动物血液标本,测定血浆丙二醛含量及超氧化物歧化酶活性;收集支气管肺泡灌洗液,检测支气管肺泡灌洗液中白细胞计数、中性粒细胞百分比及肺通透性指数;留取肺组织标本,测定肺组织湿、干重量,计算干/湿重比及行肺组织病理检查。

Patients in Group A ( n = 48) discontinued intake of antiplateletdrugs for at least 7 days and served as controls, patients inGroup B ( n = 11) received aspirin 100 mg/d and those in GroupC ( n = 11) aspirin 100 mg/d and clopidogrel 75 mg/d until the day before surgery.

A 组患者( n = 48)至少停用抗血小板药7天,作为对照组, B 组患者( n = 11)接受阿司匹林治疗100 mg/天, C 组患者( n = 11)接受阿司匹林治疗100 mg/天及氯吡格雷75 mg/天直到手术前一天。

First of all, the concept of S-N curve and the procedures of p-S-N curve fatigue test, data processing were introduced. And then, these procedures were taken into practice on 4 kinds of aluminum alloy welded joints: corner joint, butt joint, cruciform joints and double-sided lap joint.


Maar lake in the main inorganic nitrogen to NO3 - N and NH4 +-N form, NO2 - N content is relatively low.


The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis,UV,IR,TG,NMR and molar conductance measurements.Their formulas were in accordance with C34H32O8N2LnCl·nH2O or 〔(L4)2LnCl·nH2O,Ln=Nd,n=4;Ln=Pr,Yb,n=2;Ln=Sm,Eu,Dy,n=1〕.All the water molecules were uncoordinated.Dinuclear complexes were observed in the coordination environment.The coordination number of central ions was nine.


A warp knitting machine for the purpose of carrying out the method comprises at least one thread system which consists of pattern threads laid in intermixed, varying patterns. These pattern threads have underlaps of n, n 1 and n-1 needle spaces and can produce a float and/or a twill.


Moreover,the results of pollution load analysis showed that NH_4~+-N,TN and TP load rates of unicellular periphyton positively impacted on the corresponding removal rates.The maximum removals of NH_4~+-N(81.0%)and TN(65.0%) occurred at the corresponding loads of 0.87 mg NH_4~+-N·g Chla~(-1)·d~(-1)and 0.40 mg TN·g Chla~(-1)·d~(-1),respectively.

通过负荷率分析发现,颗粒态周丛藻类的NH_4~+-N、TN和TP负荷率和相应去除率均呈正相关,对NH_4~+-N、TN的最佳去除率分别出现在相应负荷率为0.87mgNH_4~+-N·gChla~(-1)·d~(-1)(81.0%)和0.40 mgTN·gChla~(-1)·d~(-1)(65.0%)时。

At the same time, most WDR neurons failedto respond to the light brush applied to the receptive fields, but they couldbe intensively excited by the noxious pinch.(5) The latency of the latedischarges was shortened from 118.83 ± 3.67ms to 50.72 ± 1.36ms (n〓32, P〓0. 01).(6) Preceding graded number of A〓fiber conditioning inputs (〓mA, 100 μs) delayed the C-activity evoked by the following nociceptive teststimulus activating both A- and C-fiber applied to the sciatic nerve. The latedischarges decreased from 9.29 ± 0.97 to 6.71 ± 0.68 with the A-fiberconditioning stimulus increasing from 1 to 5 (n〓8, P〓0. 05).(7) The intervalbetween the conditioning stimulus and test stimulus (C-T interval) wasincreasing, the inhibition tended to plateau off. At shorter time intervalsthe inhibition became more effective. When C-T interval was limited in 50ms,the inhibitory effects was the strongest, here, the late discharges reducedfrom 12.57±1.21to 2.29±0.42 (n=11, P<0. 01).(8) Behavior research showedthat the rat model of snake venom exhibited neuropathic pain with heathyperalgesia, cold and mechanical allodynia, which corresponding to the acuteelectrophysiological findings.

此时轻刷WDR神经元的感受野不能引起其活动改变,但伤害性齿镊夹捏仍可引起WDR神经元放电增多;〓5〓晚成分放电的潜伏期缩短,即宁静期的时程变短,由给蛇毒前的118.83〓3.67ms降至50.72〓1.36ms〓n〓32,P〓0.01〓;〓6〓在正常动物,如果预先给予只激活A纤维的弱条件电刺激〓mA,100μs〓可抑制随后的伤害性检验刺激所诱发的WDR神经元的晚成分放电,当条件刺激个数从1增加至5时,每次伤害性检验刺激所诱发的晚成分放电数从9.29〓0.97个降至6.71〓0.68个〓n〓8,P〓0.05〓;〓7〓固定条件刺激数为1个,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔增大时,A纤维条件刺激对WDR神经元晚成分放电的抑制作用逐渐减弱,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔在50 ms以内时,抑制效应最为显著,此时,晚成分放电数由正常时的12.57〓1.21个降至2.29〓0.42个〓n〓11,P〓0.01〓;〓8〓与急性研究中的WDR神经元电活动的变化结果相匹配,利用蛇毒制备的大鼠模型在行为学上表现为热痛觉过敏、冷觉的痛性感觉异常及机械痛觉过敏等慢性痛症状。

Black Icedelivers not just songs called Rock 'N' Roll Dream and She Likes Rock 'N Roll, but one called Rock 'N Roll Train as well: a veritable bumper harvest.

Black Ice不但有两首叫做「Rock 'N' Roll Dream」和「She Likes Rock 'N Roll」的歌,甚至还有一首「Rock 'N Roll Train」,可称得上是大丰收。

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Play'n And Laugh'n
These 'n' That 'n' Those
Mah Nà Mah Nà
Thug N U Thug N Me
Rock 'n' Roll, Rock 'n' Roll
Gone N' Done N' Did It
Rock 'n' Roll 'n' You
You N Me N Everyone We Know

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
