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Methods Eighteen Wistar rats were randomized into 3 groups, namely the CLP group (n=6) in which the rats were subjected to cecal ligation plus puncture to induce severe abdominal infection, L-Arg group (n=6) where the rats received 300 mg/kg peritoneal L-Arg injection following CLP establishment, and the control group (n=6) where the rats underwent ventrotomy only.

18只Wistar大鼠随机分为CLP组(n=6)、ARG组(n=6)和对照组(n=6),CLP组和ARG组均采用大鼠盲肠结扎加穿孔制作严重腹腔感染模型;ARG组术后于腹腔注射L-精氨酸(300 mg/kgd),CLP组术后注射等量生理盐水,对照组仅行剖腹术。

Methods Forty-four Wistar rats were randomly divided into sham operation group (SO group, n=12), operation group (n=16) and carbachol treated group (carbachol group, n=16, carbachol 50 μg/kg). Animal model of abdominal adhesion was established by rubbing the procussus vermiformis of cecum with dry sterile gauze, and by clamping and scuffing abdominal wall.

44只雄性Wistar大鼠按完全随机法分为假手术组(n=12)、手术对照组(n=16)及卡巴胆碱组(n=16,卡巴胆碱50 μg/kg),后2组采用开腹后无菌干纱布摩擦大鼠盲肠蚓突部,钳夹和刮伤腹壁法制作大鼠腹腔粘连动物模型。

The assimilation ability of N and P by hydrophyte and prevention of the secondary pollutionThe reed, wild rice and Zizania caduciflora Turez Hand-mazt can remove 818 kg/hm2,131 kg/hm2 and 200kg/hm2 of N and 103.6 kg/hm2, 28.9 kg/hm2 and 21.1kg/hm2 of P respectively from wetland after harvested each year.

水生植物对N、P的吸收能力及二次污染的防治措施每年秋季芦苇收割以后,可带走818kg/hm,的N和103.6 kg/hm,的P,菱草可带走一31 kg/hmZ的N和28.9 kg/h扩的磷,菱白带走200kg/hm,的N,2一Ikg/h扩的P。

In general, for n routers, n*(n-1)/2 adjacencies would need to be formed.

一般而言,对n个路由器,将需要形成n*(n-1 )/2个邻接。

The results showed that:(1) low N stress significantly decreased the leaf SPAD value, leaf nitrogen content, nitrate reductase activity and reduced distance between leaf-umbrella, leaf area. And these impact aggrandized as the stress intensity increased.(2) Responses to low-N stress were in different degrees between different varieties of rubber tree seedlings. On the whole, GT1 was most sensitive to stress, PR107 next, and RRIM600 was the least sensitive.(3) The SPAD value, DBL, LA were significantly positive correlated with LNC, NRA in the seedling leaves.


A one-step method for the synthesis of aromatic indolizine derivatives byintramolecular 1,5-dipolar cyclization reaction of 2-(2-arylethenyl)pyridinium N-ylidesin the presence of an oxidant has been studied for the first time. In the presence ofelectron-deficient olefins, however, 2-(2-phenylethenyl)pyridinium N-ylides underwent1,3-dipolar cycloadditions and then aromatized in situ by TPCD to produce indolizinederivatives, indicating 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition proceed more readily than 1 ,5-dipolarcyclization in these conditions. Pyridinium disubstituted N-ylides, readily obtainedfrom corresponding pridinium and β-chlorovinyl ketone, underwent thermalintramolecular 1,5-dipolar cyclization to give indolizine derivatives easily.Indolizinecarbaldehyde derivatives were synthesized starting from 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde in four-steps involving 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction.


The results indicates, with the same level of other parameters, the TN removal can reach 80.0% and 70.9% with the control of dissolved oxygen under the levels of 0.3-0.6mg/l and 0.6-0.9mg/l, respectively; the TN removal upgrades from 80%, 83% to 84.1% with the decrease of sludge load in the system from 0.1, 0.07, to 0.05gCOD/gMLSS·d; the nitrogen removal only reaches 58% when C/N is 4, but can reach more than 80% when C/N is at or over 7, which indicates that the TN removal increases when higher C/N ratio; when HRT increases from 12h, 18h to 24h, the TN removal also increases from 78.6%, 82.0% to 83.0%; the TN removal average in the system increases from 75.6%, 78.5% to 83.0% with the increase of sludge age from 18d, 20d to 24d; the low oxygen conditions in the modified Orbal oxidation ditch model do not decrease the effect of COD removal, and the dissolved oxygen gradient with the distribution of 0-2-1mg/l in the system ensures the COD removal reaching the range of 80%-86%; and the phosphate removal, however, is not good enough, which varies from 40% to 50%, even lower than 35% in occasional situations, and the phosphate concentration in the outflow varies in the range of 1.28-2.38mg/l, which dissatisfies the discharge standard with the level of 1.0mg/l.

试验结果表明,在其它参数相同的情况下,将外沟道的溶解氧分别控制在0.3~0.6mg/l 和0.6~0.9mg/l 两个水平,外沟道中TN 去除率分别为80.0%和70.9%;系统中污泥负荷分别为0.1gCOD/gMLSS·d、0.07 gCOD/gMLSS·d、0.05 gCOD/gMLSS·d时,随着污泥负荷的降低,TN 的去除率却是上升的,分别为80%、83%、84.1%;本试验中,当C/N 为4时,仅能获得58%的脱氮率,当C/N 为7 或更高时脱氮率能达到80%以上,进水C/N 比值越高,总氮的去除率越高;在本试验中采取的水力停留分别为12h、18h、24h 时,外沟道中的总氮去除率随水力停留时间的增加而增加,分别为78.6%、82.0%和83.0%;当系统泥龄分别为18d、20d、24d 时,系统平均TN 去除率分别为75.6%、78.5%、83.0%,随着泥龄的增大TN 的去除率增加;改良型奥贝尔模型的低氧条件并没有降低COD 的去除效果,系统0-2-1mg/l的溶解氧梯度分布使得COD 去除率一般都在80%~86%之间;本试验中磷的去除效果不好,去除率基本在40%~50%之间,有的甚至低于35%,出水磷的浓度在1.28~2.38mg/l 之间,低于1.0mg/l 的出水排放标准。

Methods According to the clinical targets recommended by Asian-Pacific Type 2 Diabetes Policy Group, we calculated the success rates of blood glucose, lipid profile, blood pressure and body mass index of patients who hospitalized in our department for more than one year(group A, n=7356), and compared these results with the corresponding rates calculated based on the earlier database (group B, n=1084). The success rates of metabolic indexes of patients who insisted on hospitalizing monthly (group C, n=1367) were calculated. Besides, the factors influencing disease control were discussed through questionnaire.


These results showed that IM is the most important medullary motor nuclei innervating the vccal organ, the origins of NⅫL (lingual n. of Ⅻ) and NⅫts (tracheosyringeal n. of Ⅻ)in IM were overlapping. And nⅨ-Ⅹ miglt play some...


2 V*** will defend and indemnify N***, at its own expense, from any claim, suit, or proceeding brought against N*** to the extent it is based upon a claim that any Product under normal use sold by V*** to N**8 pursuant to this Agreement infringes upon any presently issued third Party patent or any copyright, or misappropriates any trade secret, of any third Party; provided that

如果N 正常使用的由V 依据本协议所提供的产品受到指控、起诉或司法裁决,认为侵害了第三方专利、产权或违反了相关商业秘密,那么,V必须保护N,并对N进行赔偿。所依据的条件如下

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Play'n And Laugh'n
These 'n' That 'n' Those
Mah Nà Mah Nà
Thug N U Thug N Me
Rock 'n' Roll, Rock 'n' Roll
Gone N' Done N' Did It
Rock 'n' Roll 'n' You
You N Me N Everyone We Know

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
