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In order to assess the change of triploid populus tomentoza pulp plantation long-term-site productivity, The paper studied on effects of aboveground litterfall, fine root turnover and wet dust precipitation in nutrient cycling of triploid populus tomentoza pulp plantations at different ages,namely 2a、4a、5a、6a.It studied influence of different factors on decomposition of leaf、tree bark and twig of triploid populus tomentoza to select the operations to accelerate the decomposition and nutrient release. Finally, it studied influence of different intercrops on plantation site productivity and the relationship of intercrops and triploid populus tomentoza to select suitable intercrops. The main results as follows:(1)The aboveground litterfall of triploid populus tomentoza increased along with age from 216.03±59.7gm~(-2) at 3a to 482.38±101.3gm~(-2) at 7a, The N returned by litterfall wasl8.38±2.46kg.hm~(-2)a~-121.63±2.25kg.hm~(-2a~-139.51±4.61kg.hm~(-2a~-138.89±4.89kg.hm~(-2a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The P returned by litterfall was 5.80±0.62kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1)、8.16±0.94kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1), 11.31±1.33kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1)、11.76±1.37kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The nutrient returned by fine root turnover increased along with age, too. The N returned by fine root turnover was 3.85±0.41kghm~(-2)a~(-1)、5.22±0.63kghm~(-2)a~(-1),7.62±0.89kghm~(-2)a~(-1),9.17±1.22kghm~(-2)a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The P returned by fine root turnover was 0.73±0.07kghm~(-2)a~(-1)、1.69±0.09kghm~(-2) a~(-1)、1.92±0.31kghm~(-2)a~(-1)、1.96±0.21kghm~(-2)a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The leaf was the principal pathway to return nutrient to soil among litterfall, fine root turnover and wet dust precipitation. The proportion of returned N by leaf was 74.84%、71.96%、78.58%、75.03% at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively,The proportion of returned P by leaf was 85.93%、80.31%、83.04%、83.23% at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. Therefore, it is important to protect and utilize the leaf in order to maintenance and enhance the long-term-site productivity of triploid populus tomentoza pulp plantation.


Eighty SD rats were randomly divided into four groups: acute spinal cord injury groups ( SCI groups, n=20);administration of Ulinastatin (U groups, n=20), use Ulinastatin after SCI at half an- and 4- and 8- and 24- and 48- hour.;administration of Methylprednisolone (M groups, n=20), use Ulinastatin after SCI at half an- and 4- and 8- and 24- and 48- hour; administration of Ulinastatin and Methylprednisolone(M+U groups, n=20), use Ulinastatin and Methylprednisolone after SCI at half an- and 4- and 8- and 24- and 48- hour;Allen's weight drop model of acute spinal cord injury was prepared.


Trioses (n=1), tetroses (n=2), pentoses (n=3), hexoses (n=4) to distinguish aldoses from ketoses, ketoses are designated as"-uloses."


The results showed:(1)Nitrogen addition changed the soil physical and chemical properties, enhancing the content of NO3—- N available resources in the soil, increasing the plants height and cover, reducing the vegetation light penetration. With increasing of N addition, both the species richness and the diversity decrease sharply (P 0.001).(2)N addition increased the aboveground biomass significantly (P 0.05). With increasing of N addition, the aboveground biomass increased first then decreased, and the grasses biomass increased while the forbs and legumes biomass decreased.(3)There was a significant linear positive relationship between species richness and vegetation light penetration (P 0.05), and also between aboveground biomass and soil NO3—- N content (P 0.05). The relationship between aboveground biomass and species richness was negative upon enhanced N supply.

结果表明:(1)氮素添加提高了土壤中NO3—- N等可利用资源的含量,增加了植物群落植被的盖度,减小了植被的透光率,随着施氮量的增加群落中物种丰富度显著降低(P 0.001);(2)氮素添加显著改变了植物群落地上生产力(P 0.05),随着施氮量的增加地上生产力呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势,各功能群中禾草生物量显著增加,而杂草和豆科生物量随施氮量增加逐渐减少;(3)物种多样性与植被透光率呈线性正相关(P 0.05);地上生产力与土壤NO3—- N含量呈线性正相关(P 0.05);随着施氮量的增加物种丰富度与生产力之间呈负相关关系。

The crystalline defects of metallic substrate can promote the formation of multi-crystal thin films. In contrast, the films on the Si single crystal are basically amorphous; The hardness of films are mainly determined by N concentration. The highest hardnesses of Si〓N〓 and TiN films ware obtained at 1. 1 of N/Si and 0.96 of N/Ti respectively. The hardness of Si〓N〓 film decreased dramatically when the free silicon atoms present.


Then in order to further optimize the ambipolar characteristics of devices and improve the carrier transport of OTFT devices,an ultra-thin electron blocking-layer N, N\'-bis-(1-naphthyl)-N,N\'-biphenyl-1,1\'-biphenyl-4,4\'diamine is inserted between C_(60) and pentacene at the basis of the above mentioned devices to adjust the distribution of charge carriers and to limit charge carriers captured by different type semiconductor materials.


After 48 hours, the thrombosis model was established. The thrombosed veins were treated with ATD (n=8), AVF (n=8), and ATD+AVF (n=8), C (n=5), respectively.


RESULTS:① The maximal axial pulling-out force of 10 femoral neck samples implanting the hollow nail was 471.5-1 070.5 N, with the mean value of (855.0±207.5) N; the maximal axial pulling-out strength of femoral neck samples implanting the side-hole hollow nail added by poly-methyl methacrylate bone cement was 2 023.7-3 572.1 N, with the mean value of (2 943.3±535.8) N.

结果:①置入空心钉10个股骨颈的最大轴向拔出力为471.5~1 070.5 N,平均(855.0±207.5)N;而添加聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯侧孔空心钉后最大轴向拔出力在2 023.7~3 572.1 N,平均(2 943.3±535.8)N。

The total amount of N loss through ammonia volatilization was N 0.37~3.04kg hm^(-2), accounting for1.31%~3.69% of the total N applied to Winter Radish The total N loss through ammonia volatilization enhanced with the increase in N application rate (p.05) and ex-pressed as y=0.1576e(superscript 0.0146x) and y=0.1826e(superscript 0.0112x) respectively.

不同施氮处理,春季累计氨挥发量为N0.67~5.16kg hm^(-2),占施入肥料N的0.74%~2.24%;秋季累计氨挥发量为N0.37kg~3.04kg hm^(-2),占施入肥料N的1.31%~3.69%。红壤旱地春秋二季氨挥发量均随施N量的提高而指数递增,其关系式分别为:y=0.1576e(上标 0.0146x)和y=0.1826e(上标 0.0112x)。

The 4th left rib was cut and a model of left coronary artery occlusion/release was carried outo Rats were divided randomly into 4 groups: control group without LCA occlusion (group A, n=6);I/R group(group B, n=6); ketamine(5mg.kg-1)+I/R group (group C, n=6); ketamine(10mg.kg-1)+I/R group(group D,n=6)o All rats in groups B, C , D were subjected to 30 minutes of LCA occlusion followed by 120minutes of reperfusion. Rats in group C and D were injected with 5mg.kg-1 and 10mg.kg-1 of ketamine before reperfusion, respectively. Significant electrocardiogram and color changes at the area at risk were considered indicative of successful coronary occlusion and reperfusionc Serum was exampled from left jugular vein at 30 minutes and 120 minutes during reperfusion to measure IL-6 and TNF- level by ELISA measurements. After reperfusion of 120 minutes, the heart was removed and the cardiac apex was exampled with snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70 C .

采用左冠状动脉前降支结扎开放建立心肌缺血/再灌注模型,健康SD大鼠24只,随机分为心包打开假手术组(A组,n=6),缺血/再灌注对照组(B组,n=6),5 mg·kg~(-1)氯胺酮+缺血/再灌注组C组,n=6,缺血30min后右腹股静脉注入5 mg·kg~(-1氯胺酮,10mg·kg~(-1)KTM+I/R组D组,n=6,缺血30min后右腹股静脉注入10 mg·kg~(-1氯胺酮。10%水合氯醛40 mg·kg~(-1)腹腔注射麻醉,气管切开,连接多功能监护仪记录心电图;小动物呼吸机人工呼吸,呼吸频率60次/分,潮气量2ml/100g,于左胸第四肋间打开胸腔暴露心脏,在左心耳下1mm左冠状动脉处,用丝线,眼科外用不锈钢小圆针穿过心肌浅层,稳定10min后将U型含有铜丝的胶管置于冠状动脉表面一起结扎(A组不结扎,B、C、D组结扎);结扎开始左心室心尖部即由红色变暗,30 min后呈暗红色,心电图中出现S-T段抬高,说明缺血形成。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
