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Methods Six weeks old male Fischer 344 rats (F344) were used as donors, and six weeks old male F344alb as recipients. All F344alb were divided into 4 groups: group Ⅰ(n=10) was untreated; group Ⅱ(n=10) was treated with CCl4 but no γ-irradiation and transplantation; group Ⅲ(n=10) was transplanted with 1×10^7 BMCs after γ-irradiation, but without CCl4 treatment; group Ⅳ(n=10) was transplanted with 1×10^7 BMCs after γ-irradiation, with CCl4 treatment. The BMCs prepared from the donors were infused via the penial veins of recipients immediately after whole body γ-irradiation (7.5Gy) and CCl4 treatment: 4 weeks after BMCs transplantation, CCl4 were injected into peritoneal cavity twice a week for 4 weeks.


Using N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine and potassium persulphate as a redox initiation system, high molecular weight poly was synthesized by aqueous deposited polymerization.


By high density sampling and farming household investigation,total N content,microbial biomass N content,total N and MB-N relationship,and N cycle characteristics and N balance of plowable soil layer under different land-use types were studied in Dongting Lake region.


Additionally, NR in light could maintain relative high activity for several hours when thalli were transferred from N-enrichment to N-starvation.


The results show that the relationships between the latitudes of ridge line of WPSH and ground temperatures of some regions in China are clear, and the high correlation regions are near the region of 100°~115°E, 30°~45°N. In the relation field of June, there is a quasi transmeridional high relation axes along 30°~35°N, and it moves northward to 34°~40°N in July and to 40°~45°N in August.

结果表明,西太副高的脊线位置与中国大陆一些区域的深层地温的关系明显,高相关区域在100°~115°E,30°~45°N之间。6月份,沿30°~35°N有一准东西向的高相关轴线,7月高相关带北移至34°~40°N, 8月高相关带北移到40°~45°N。

The phosphorus oxychloride or phosphorus tribromide N, N-dimethylformamide mix and react to form the Vilsmeier reagent used in the reaction. The newly prepared Vilsmeier reagent is added into the reaction bottle provided with the return condenser and the blender; a reaction raw material N, N-dimethylformamide solution expressed in the reaction formula is added into the system; the temperature is risen; the corresponding multi substituting pyridine-2 (1 H)-ketone compound can be made after the column chromatography of the silica gel; the production rate is between 60 and 95 percent according to different reactions.


The model is as follows: WhereE = equity Rt = net annual cash flow in period t It = interest on mortgage in period t At = amortization of mortgage in period t Tt = income tax in period t Pn = selling price at end of period t = n GT = capital gains tax payable upon sale of property in year t = n UM = unamortized mortgage in year t = n n = investment horizon, in years from the present r = internal rate of returnThis equation can be solved by an iterative procedure of successive approxi mations to "r".

模范如下是:地方E=公平Rt=网年报现金流转在朝派时期t它=权益右手击球员的左后方场地抵押在朝派时期t阿特=amortization 的抵押在朝派时期t Tt=所得税在朝派时期t Pn=卖出价格阿特时期末t=n GT=首府gains税收可以支付在上面销售的财产在朝派年t=n嗯=分期偿还抵押在朝派年t=n n=投资视界在几年中从指向r=内部器官回报率这个等式罐被解决在附近一重复的过程的连续approximations向&r&。

The reduced relationship between forest floor C∶N and tree growth with increasing ecosystem Ncontent suggests the mineral soil N supply has the capacity to'buffer'immobilisation by coarsewoody debris and maintain adequate N availability.


The economic incomes per cruise of two specimen boats owners were permitted to be traced during two periods, May-June and September-December in 2003. The average income of fishing cruise which did not encounter dolphins was $NT 7327 dollars (SD=643 n=29 trips). The average income of fishing cruise which have encountered dolphins but no interruptions was $NT 7901 dollars (SD=1581 n=13 trips). The average income of fishing cruise which depredated by dolphins was NT 3137 dollars (SD=419 n=6 trips). The daily average income was $NT 6959 (SD=4211 n=48) per day. The cetacean interference result in a significant economic decrease.

另外,鲸豚干扰渔获的损益评估依据2003两艘样本船在5-6月,及9-10月每日作业及盈收状况的追踪发现,没有碰到海豚的每日作业平均收益为NT 7327元(SD=643 n=29),碰到海豚但无干扰的每日作业平均收益为NT 7901元(SD=1581 n=13),有海豚干扰的每日作业平均收益为NT 3137元(SD=419 n=6),全部作业收益每日平均为NT 6959元(SD=4211 n=48),被鲸豚干扰后之渔获收益较未遇见鲸豚或遇见鲸豚却未被干扰情况下减少。

Methods: The N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitroso-guanidine transformed eternalized human gastric mucosa epithelium GES-1 cell line was used in vitro as a model of gastric precancerous lesion. The medicated canine serum was prepared by feeding to the adult Beagle dog with Radix notoginseng extracts and obtaining the serum after 2-hour medication. MC cells were cultured with medicated canine serum or non-medicated canine serum for 72 hours.

采用被N-甲基-N'-硝基-N-亚硝基胍(N-methyl-N'-nitroso-guanidine, MNNG)转化后的永生化人胃黏膜上皮细胞系GES-1细胞作为胃癌前病变细胞的体外研究模型,用三七提取物一次性灌胃彼格犬,取给药后2h的血清作为实验药物血清。

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Mah Nà Mah Nà
Thug N U Thug N Me
Rock 'n' Roll, Rock 'n' Roll
Gone N' Done N' Did It
Rock 'n' Roll 'n' You
You N Me N Everyone We Know

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
