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The head of security for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter at the World Trade Center, Rescorla believed that regular people were capable of great achievements, with a bit of leadership.
Having failed to make the strategy work at Sears, he carried it over into Dean Witter's merger with Morgan Stanley, reasoning that linking the underwriting of securities with their sale to the public had to have some value.
Purcell在Sears的战略失败以后,他又把这种策略带入了Dean Witter与摩根士坦利的兼并之中,因为它认为将做市商与他面向公众的销售捆绑必定会有一些价值。
The Naturalist philosophers, who were the forerunners of modern unbelief; the English Deists (Toland, Collins, Woolston, Tindal, Morgan); the German Rationalists; the French Encyclopedists strove by every means, not forgetting abuse and sarcasm, to prove how absurd it was to claim a Divine origin for a book in which all the blemishes and errors of human writings are to be found.
自然主义哲学家,谁是现代不信教的先驱(霍布斯,斯宾诺莎,沃尔夫);英语Deists (托兰德,柯林斯,伍斯顿,廷德尔,摩根);德国的理性主义;法国Encyclopedists竭力利用一切手段,也不要忘记虐待和嘲讽,证明这是多麼可笑要求神源的一本书,使所有的瑕疵和错误的人的作品将被发现。
A recent report on the future of wholesale banking from Morgan Stanley and Oliver Wyman reckons that bid-offer spreads have increased by anything from 50% to 300%.
This is the horrible conclusion of a study on the future of European corporate and institutional banking by Oliver, Wyman, a New York firm of management consultants, and Morgan Stanley, an investment bank.
Morgan Stanley and Oliver Wyman, a consultancy, estimate there could be up to $80 billion of additional mark-downs among the top 20 banks this year.
Morgan Stanley said on September 13 that its investment in property in China this yar would be four times the level of last year.
He had therefore amply merited McLennan's indignant reproach that "the historical method is antipathetical to Mr. Morgan's mind," and its echo as late as 1884 from Mr. Professor Giraud-Teulon of Geneva.
Hank Morgan is heartbroken at the end because he cannot get back to his Arthurian sweetheart.
Following astint at Credit Suisse First Boston in New York,he returned to Chinain the late 1990s and orchestrated a virtual take over of China InternationalCapital Corp, a joint venture in which Morgan Stanley holds about 34 per cent.
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It has been put forward that there exists single Ball point and double Ball points on the symmetrical connecting-rod curves of equilateral mechanisms.
The factory affiliated to the Group primarily manufactures multiple-purpose pincers, baking kits, knives, scissors, kitchenware, gardening tools and beauty care kits as well as other hardware tools, the annual production value of which reaches US$ 30 million dollars.
The eˉtiology of hemospermia is complicate,but almost of hemospermia are benign.