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与 Mo 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sulfur isotope measurements of deposits such as those in the 1.1 Ga Duluth Complex, the Per-mo-Triassic intrusions of the Noril'sk area, and the 1.4 Ga Kabanga intrusions provide evidence for the derivation of S from both sulfide-and sulfate-bearing country rocks. The 1.3 Ga Voisey's Bay deposit provides an example where δ^34 S values of the ores commonly fall within the accepted mantle range of 0±2‰, but detailed studies of Proterozoic metasedimentary country rocks show that their weighted average δ^34 S value is also within this range.

如1.1 Ga的Duluth杂岩、Noril'sk地区二迭-三迭纪侵入岩和1.4 Ga的Kabanga侵入岩体中矿床的硫同位素测定结果证明硫来自含硫化物和硫酸盐的围岩。1.3 Ga的Voisbey's Bay矿床矿石的硫同位素δ^34 S值通常落入公认的地幔硫同位素组成范围(0±2‰)内,而对其元古宙变质沉积围岩进行的详细研究结果显示δ^34 S的平均值也在此范围。

Objective To produce an experimental migrainous animal mo del and probe the expression of c-fos and c-jun.

目的 复制实验性偏头痛动物模型并探讨其c-fos、c-jun基因表达。

Hmm… Eeny, meeny, miny, mo… Hellfire!


On the one hand ,contemporary scholars carry on the method of morden scholars using the occidental traditional logic to research six chapters in Mo Zi ,on the other hand ,they rethink the research of logic of Moism since morden times and put forward to the method and direction of future research of the logic of Moism .


Therefore ,it is helpful to recognize the character of six chapters in Mo Zi and promote the new progress of the logic of Moism and Chinese logical history that review and summarize the research of logic of Moism in recent twenty years and explore the method of the contemporary scholars' research of logic of Moism .


They are: the achievements of textual research and exegesis of Zhu Zi Xue in Qing Dynasty; the promoting effect of the introducing Western theories that took on the research of Chinese classical logic; taking the doctrine of Moism and scientific logic method as a methodological weapon for propagating reformist thought and Liang Qichao"s favor to Mo Zi and theory of Moism.The second part is about Liang Qichao"s achievements of logic and methodology: he analyzed induction and deduction, and thoroughly analyzed induction in particular, and his thought about those was mainly correct; he analyzed comparison as a component of induction and discussed the cognitive function of comparison, he also explained how to use comparison in the research of history; he not only explicated the thinking process of analytical method and synthetic method, but also integrated the two methods with studying history and reading history , and turned them into specific research methods of history ;he expound the rule of causal law , just as Leibnizs principle of sufficient reason in Western modern times and the law of sufficient reasonin universal logic; he discussed nominal classification, and analyzed wrong classification of the forefathers, then he pointed out the significance of clarifying the basic of division .


In order to recover Mo and Cu,the acidic from the production process of molybdic ammonium was disposed by DK macropous cation exchange resin,AH compex resin and general cation exchange resin,respectively.Other heavy metals in wastewater were deposited by adding ammonia liquor in the proess.


Five of their single crystals were obtained and their structures were determined by X-ray diffraction. By comparison, it was found that dithiocabamate complexes often formed an exactly planar MS4 unit, such as [Mo(R2dtc)2]; and also formed a special MS 5 unit, such as [Cu2(R2dtc)4], the copper atom lies in a distorted square-pyramidal environment.Four kinds of heteropoly acids were prepared and characterized; a series of solid superacid catalyst of supported heteropoly acid were prepared and characterized; regioselectivites of chlorobenzene mononitration with nitric acid with different heteropoly acid on different supports and reaction conditions have been investigated.


Jobelan i s one of the mo s t popular becau s e of it' s elegant, s oft, s mooth s heen and large variety of color s , including hand dyed fabric s .


The skill operation of the tissue morcellation must be by "flushing on drawing" water and "only flushing not on drawing" water for finding tissue,and of fixation-drawing-mo...


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Mo Money Mo Murder (Homicide)
Is That You Mo-Dean?
Eeny Meeny Meiny Mo
Mo' Murda
It's All Mo' Thug
Mo Thug
Mo Brooklyn, Mo Harlem, Mo Southside
De Mão Em Mão
Mo Money Mo Problems
Mo Money Mo Problems

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
