英语人>网络例句>Michael 相关的网络例句

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与 Michael 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is it "pavement poetry vibrates with commitment to speaking for the voiceless," as Michael Eric Dyson, a professor at Georgetown University, believes? Is it "an enormously influential agent for social change which must be responsibly and proactively utilised to fight the war on poverty and injustice," as the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, a pressure group, contends? Or is it mostly "angry, profane and women-hating…music that plays on the worst stereotypes of black people," as Bill Cosby harrumphs?


Is it "pavement poetry vibrates with commitment to speaking for the voiceless," as Michael Eric Dyson, a professor at Georgetown University, believes? Is it "an enormously influential agent for social change which must be responsibly and proactively utilised to fight the war on poverty and injustice," as the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, a pressure group, contends? Or is it mostly "angry, profane and women-hating…music that plays on the worst stereotypes of black people," as Bill Cosby harrumphs?

它是否像乔治敦大学教授Michael Eric Dyson说的:&Hiphop嘻哈)音乐是致力于代表弱势阶层诉说心声的诗篇;&抑或是像压力集团HSAN主张的:&改变社会、影响力巨大、应该采取积极、负责任的态度拿它当武器战胜贫穷和不平等&;还是Bill Cosby 不屑说过的:&它是黑人普遍用于发泄愤怒,低俗和仇妇的陈词滥调呢?&

The crowds were thronging around some of the hipper, younger stands: MAC, Darphin, Michael Kors fragrance.

顾客们都涌向那些时髦而年轻的品牌,如 MAC 唇膏、迪梵面霜、Michael Kors 香水。

The next day on P.I., Michael hobbles around, attempting to rake the grass around Lincoln's pen.

在第二天的监狱劳动中, Michael 蹒跚而行,在 Lincoln 所在监牢的围栏旁耙草。

The next day on P.I., Michael hobbles around , attempting to rake the grass around Lincoln's pen.

在第二天的监狱劳动 PI , Michael 蹒跚而行,在 Lincoln 的围栏旁耙草。

Bellick hollers for Sucre to clear out, but Sucre lingers."Fitz. We were going take Fitz," Michael says quietly.

Bellick 叫唤着要 Sucre 离开,但 Sucre 逗留了一会, Michael 小声说道,& Fitz ,我们要从 Fitz 大街逃走。&

Sucre hustles across the yard,"Michael, you'd better see this."


To overcome this deficiency, a study just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association by Michael Marmot, of University College, London, and his colleagues uses direct measures to compare the health of middle-aged Americans and Britons—and the results still favour the Limeys.

为了克服这个不足,伦敦大学学院的 Michael Marmot 和他的同事在<美国医学协会>上公布了他们的一项研究,他们运用能够直接衡量两国中年人健康状况的指标进行对比,结果英国人依然胜出。

It's a pathway…where does it lead? Haywire asks as he lunges for Michael.

Haywire 突然向前扑向 Michael 问他,&这是通道…是通向哪里的?&

On the other side are the Guardian's Larry Elliot , Morgan Stanley's Stephen Roach , Michael Pettis of Peking University, Martin Wolf of the Financial Times and others who consider, again with significant differences on why and scale, that China's economic strategy is wrong, its stimulus package is misconceived, or both, and therefore it will end badly.

而另外一方是《卫报》的Larry Elliot、摩根斯坦利的Stephen Roach、北京大学的Michael Pettis以及《金融时报》的 Martin Wolf 等人,他们认为中国的经济策略是错误的、其刺激计划是考虑不周的,或者两者兼而有之,因此将导致严重的后果。同样,对于其原因和程度,他们之间也有很大的分歧。

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Michael Jackson
Michael Praytor, Five Years Later
Michael Raphael
Michael And Maria
Michael Knight
Michael Knight (Remix)
Message To Michael
Michael You've Got A Lot To Answer For

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
