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与 Michael 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He tells Michael to take some rubber cement that he's using to build the Pope's Taj Mahal and coat the bottom of a coffee pot with it.

他告诉 Michael 在帮狱长制作泰姬陵模型时拿些橡胶胶水出来,涂在咖啡壶的底部。

Michael, T-Bag, C-Note, Sucre and Westmoreland, decked out in winter P.I. gear, spread salt over the sally port road and clean up the snow around it.


One afternoon I had to take Michael for a doctor's appointment in Santa Monica, CA.

一天下午我要带Michael去加州的Santa Monica看医生。

A major feature was the prediction by Gordon-Michael Scallion of violent and significant geological changes coming to Earth by the end of the Millennium.

一个主要的特征是,这些来自Gordon-Michael Scallion的激烈并有极其重要意义的地质变化预言发生在太平盛世的结束之时。

"This development is extremely important both to patients and to the public health in general," AAAAI President Michael Schatz, MD, said during the press briefing."This permits us to provide better care of our patients by allowing us to identify the individuals who can safely take penicillins. The alternative effective antibiotics they may otherwise be prescribed are usually more expensive. From a public health perspective, these alternative antibiotics are also broader spectrum, which can contribute to overall antibiotic resistance." Dr. Schatz is also the chief of allergy at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego, California.

AAAAI的总裁Michael Schatz医师在记者会中表示,这项研发对於患者及一般大众的健康都非常的重要;这项试剂产品可以让我们确认有哪些患者可以安全的接受盘尼西林治疗,藉此我们可以对患者提供更好的照护;其他可用的抗生素一般而言都会比较贵,从大众保健的议题来看,其他的抗生素范围广泛,会造成整体的抗生素抗药性;Schatz医师同时也是圣地牙哥Kaiser Permanente的过敏科主任。

"The take-home message of this study for clinicians is that obese people with asthma need to be followed more carefully because it's harder to control their asthma, so they are more likely to end up in the hospital," said study coauthor Michael Schatz, MD, chief of allergy at Kaiser Permanente San Diego Medical Center, California."My advice for obese asthmatics is: be vigilant to keep your asthma symptoms in check, make sure you know what to do when your symptoms worsen, and do whatever you can to lose weight."

研究共同作者、加州圣地牙哥Kaiser Permanente医学中心过敏科主任Michael Schatz医师表示,本研究提供给医师们的重点是,肥胖气喘患者需要仔细地追踪,因为会比较难控制他们的气喘,所以他们比较可能住院;我对于肥胖气喘患者的建议是,对于自己的气喘症状要有所警惕,确保知道当症状恶化时应该如何处置,且尽可能减重。

After making his name as Marius in Les Misérables, Britain's Michael Ball has showcased his strong tenor in both theater roles (Aspects of Love, Stephen Sondheim's Passion) and a solo career that can get heavy on the schmaltz.

对于时常关注音乐剧界的乐迷来说," Michael Ball"迈克保尔这个名字可谓"如雷贯耳",国为他曾经在许多着名的音乐剧如《悲惨世界》,《歌剧魅影》、和《热情》里面担任重要角色或男主角,甚至更被英国大众票选为过去这十十年来最受欢迎的音乐剧男演员。

I can get Scylla for you, if you promise to give me what Michael can't.

我能帮你弄到锡拉,只要你能给我 Michael 给不了我的东西。

And now that Michael's returning Scylla to me, it was all for nothing.

现在 Michael 就将锡拉还给我,你所做的一切毫无意义。

She says if you don't let Michael and the others leave with Scylla, she'll kill me.

她说如果你不放 Michael 和其他人带着 Scylla 走,她会杀了我。

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Michael Jackson
Michael Praytor, Five Years Later
Michael Raphael
Michael And Maria
Michael Knight
Michael Knight (Remix)
Message To Michael
Michael You've Got A Lot To Answer For

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
