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与 Michael 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The team behind ICINGA, including Michael Luebben, Hendrik B cker and Joerg Linge, all members of the Nagios Community Board,are promising that ICINGA will be fully compatible with the precedingversion of Nagios.

ICINGA项目是由Michael Luebben、Hendrik B cker和Joerg Linge等人发起的,他们都是现有的Nagios项目社区委员会的成员,他们承诺,新的开源项目将完全兼容以前的Nagios应用程序及扩展功能。

FDA spokesman Michael Herndon said his agency "is going to take into consideration the results of the NTP report."


"The FDA has performed extensive sampling and analysis of a variety of products from China containing milk or milk-derived components," and found melamine in a number of those products, says spokesman Michael Herndon.

发言人 Michael Herndon说,"FDA已经对含牛奶或含牛奶提取成分的各类中国产品进行了广泛取样和分析,"并发现一定数量的那些产品含有三聚氰胺。

The agency's proposal did not say what, if any, action the agency could take against iolators. FDA spokesman Michael Herndon declined to comment ahead of the proposal's official publication on Tuesday.

管理局的提议没有说哪些是管理局可以采取的、用来处置违规者的行为,FDA 发言人Michael Herndon拒绝评论即将在周二发布的正式发布的提议。

Sara and Michael enter the cigar club but before they can examine the locked humidor, Sara is recognized and they're forced to flee.


In the prison infirmary, Dr. Sara Tancredi sinks a hypodermic needle into Michael's arm.

在监狱医务室里,医生Sara Tancredi在 Michael的手臂上作皮下注射。

Michael impassively tosses Lincoln's keys at him, explaining that he found them four feet from where they're standing.

Michael 毫无表情地将 Lincoln 的钥匙扔给了他,声称是在他们所站位置的4英尺外找到的。

The whole work is mainly composed of following three parts:Part I: we first reported the Michael reaction of indole.


If Michael played, he would be ineligible for any other side in Europe that season.


Now's not the time to be trusting a black inmate, Michael.


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Michael Jackson
Michael Praytor, Five Years Later
Michael Raphael
Michael And Maria
Michael Knight
Michael Knight (Remix)
Message To Michael
Michael You've Got A Lot To Answer For

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
