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与 Michael 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You see how good Michael Emerson is on the show, right?


Michael Jensen, an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, says that that although our total number of fat cells may not drop below a certain level, that doesn't mean that we can't add more.

Michael Jensen说,虽然我们的脂肪细胞总数可能不会降低到一个特定的水平,但这并不意味着我们不会增加更多。

"There are two kinds of people I can't stand," says Michael Caine's character in the epically low comedy Goldmember,"those who are intolerant of other cultures, and the Dutch."

电影《Goldmember》中Michael Caine所扮演的角色说道:"我对两类人无法容忍。一类是不能容忍其它文化的人,一类是荷兰人"。

Michael and Sara have a brief reunion in ep.22 before he is caught and taken to Sona, the prison, with one other escapee.

Sara 和Michael 在第22集里在巴拿马短暂地团聚了。然后他就被扔进了监狱!!

At the same time, as an anthropologist I have been working with an English friend and colleague Michael Rowlands, to review the old ethnological and anthropological concept of civilisation in order to carry out a project of promoting the comparison of civilisations.

同时,作为人类学家,我一直和我在英国的朋友和同事Michael Rowlands合作,回顾以前的民族志和人类学的文明的概念以便从事一项文明比较研究。

In a series of five experiments, Dr Joel Fagot of the Centre for Research in Cognitive Neuroscience, Marseille, Dr Edward Wasserman, of both the Centre and the University of Iowa; and Dr Michael Young of Iowa, trained two adult baboons, one male and one female, to use a personal computer and joystick to select grids that had varying collections of pictures.

在一个五次试验系列中,马赛认知神经科学研究中心的Joel Fagot博士,研究中心及爱奥瓦大学的Edward Wasserman博士和爱奥瓦大学的Michael Young 博士,共同训练两支成年狒狒使用一台个人电脑和一部游戏杆挑选带有不同图形集合的方格子。

Michael Faraday was a revered pioneer in the field of electrical energy.

Michael Faraday 是一个被尊敬的先驱在电能领域。

Says Michael Findlay, a director of Acquavella Galleries. They think, 'You must have a lot of money.

Acquavella 美术馆的馆长Michael Findlay说,他们想'你一定有很多钱。

When Steve Nash and Michael Finley left, it became your team, whether you liked it or not.

当Steve Nash和Michael Finley离开,它变成了你的球队,不管你是否喜欢。

Today we affirm that Saddam Hussein has lost, Yale junior Michael Anastasio told flag-waving supporters.

今天我们要确定萨达姆被除掉了耶鲁大三学生Michael Anastasio对摇旗子的支持者说

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Michael Jackson
Michael Praytor, Five Years Later
Michael Raphael
Michael And Maria
Michael Knight
Michael Knight (Remix)
Message To Michael
Michael You've Got A Lot To Answer For

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
