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与 Miami 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Elian was one of three survivors from a boat carrying 14 Cubans that had sunk two days earlier in the Atlantic Ocean; his rescue set off an international custody battle between relatives in Miami and Elian's father in Cuba.


The United States may send Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba if his Miami relatives do not sign an agreement promising to return him home should their federal court appeal to keep him fail.


Pre-Dawn Raid A federal agent holds a gun near Elian Gonzalez as agents take him from his Miami relatives on April 22. Elian is held in a closet by Donato Dalry one of the fishermen who rescued him from the Atlantic Ocean, where his mother died.

黎明袭击 4月22日凌晨,美国宪兵冲进小埃连的迈阿密亲戚的家中把古巴小男孩抢了出来;在大西洋中把小埃连救上船的渔民达瑞紧紧抱着小埃连藏在壁橱中。

"Stereotactic radiosurgery is a noninvasive procedure that effectively treats patients with vascular malformations and brain tumors, but its efficacy for epileptogenic foci is limited, especially in children," write Catalina Dunoyer and colleagues from the University of Miami School of Medicine.

美国迈阿密大学医学院的Catalina Dunoyer,和他的同事们写道:「放射外科学的综合治疗方法是一种非创伤性的技术,可以为那些患有血管畸形和脑肿瘤患者提供有效的治疗,但是它对癫痫病灶的治疗效果是有限的,尤其是在儿童患者。

Adopting expletory laminetomy with a small window and intervertebral discs were picked out, spinal canal pressure reduced, self granule bone transplanted to vertebral fusion and fixed using Moss Miami system.

对32例中老年腰椎管狭窄合并腰椎不稳经过严格保守治疗无效的患者采用开窗椎间盘切除椎管减压和后路椎间、椎板、横突植骨融合及Moss Miami椎弓根螺钉系统固定进行治疗。

GLOBAL - from MIAMI, FL port/customs and all suppliers exported from Port TEWKESBURY, UK - Hamble , TRYTON FOODS LTD , which includes the contacts of trading parties, detailed cargo information FOODSTUFFS ...

GLOBAL 与来自 TEWKESBURY, UK Hamble 的出口商 TRYTON FOODS LTD 买卖双方的详细交易数据,包含了进出口双方的联系资料以及货物FOODSTUFFS 。。。

It is hard to pass by the nearby beaches of Trocadero and Miami, or the beach of Itea, without taking a dip.

这是很难通过由附近海滩的Trocadero之中间和迈阿密,或沙滩上itea ,而不考虑一浸。

American Gulag takes readers inside prisons such as the Krome North Service Processing Center in Miami, the Corrections Corporation of America's Houston Processing Center, and county jails around the country that profit from contracts to hold INS prisoners.

美国古拉格》带我们走进迈阿密的KROME NORTH服务处理中心,拜访了美国矫正公司休斯顿处理中心(美国矫正公司是80年代末美国监狱制度私有化的产物)以及全美各个得益于羁留INS(移民局-------现改为国土安全部)转送过来的囚犯的县级监狱。

Other First Nations people in Michigan, in the south and east, were the Mascouten, the Menominee, the Miami, and the Wyandot, who are better known by their French name,"Huron".

其他第一民族人民在密歇根州,在南部和东部地区,是Mascouten的梅诺米尼,迈阿密,以及Wyandot ,谁是更好地了解他们的法语名字,&休伦&。

He quickly teamed up with Sammy Falconetti and Bobby Mazur to form one of Miami's most notorious drug smuggling trios. They are believed to have smuggled several tons of cocaine by boat from the Banamas during the 90's.


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Going Back To Miami
Only In Miami
Miami, My Amy
Miami Shit
Defend Dade

It is a premium table wine.


The religion of a warlike sect of India, having its origin in the Punjab and its centre in the holy City of Amritsar, where their sacred books are preserved and worshipped.


In nineteen eighty it became the first United States Navy ship to have women among its crew.
