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- 与 Mexico 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
A subway attack in Mexico city, see this kind of scoffer break out on your left side, a man with a gun who just went at with a police officer, shot the officer.
The largest tribe of American Indians lives on a 6,000,000-hectarepatch of the desert and scrub brush that covers much of northern Arizona and New Mexico.
The largest tribe of American Indians lives on a 6-million-hectare patch of desert and scrub brush that covers much of northern Arizona and New Mexico.
Extremely dangerous; most common in areas of scattered scrubby growth; from Mojave Desert to w. Texas and into Mexico.
The tranquil sea has sent out a series of restless signals: In the Gulf of Mexico, a deep sea fuel oils transfer post encounters the unclear object the attack to explode ......In the west Atlantic, a British imperial family submarine encounters the terror attack, the final ship destroys the human to perish ...... American sea scientist Denny is investigated the American Sea Academy of science's invitation the deep sea disaster which this a series of is bewildered.
The SEADOG pump system, which was tested in the Gulf of Mexico , works by capturing ocean-wave energy from swells or waves to pump large volumes of seawater to shore-based storage or sea-based platform systems while consuming no fuel.
It is Mexico's second-largest local drug market.
Senator Trent Lott apologized for suggesting that the country would have averted many problems if onetime segregationist Strom Thurmond had won the 1948 presidential race. Vicente Fox, the president of Mexico, apologized for saying that Mexicans were willing to take jobs in the United States "that not even blacks want to do." Evange list Pat Robertson apologized for saying that the United States should kill Venezuela's president, Hugo Chavez, and for suggesting that the stroke suffered by Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon was divine retribution for "dividing God's land."
共和党参议员Trent Lott为曾说过如果1948年总统选举中当时是参议员的Strom Thurmond获胜美国将不会出现一系列的问题而道歉;墨西哥总统Vicente Fox,为曾说过墨西哥人愿意干"那些甚至连黑人都不愿意做的"工作而道歉; Evange list Pat Robertson 为曾说美国应当处死委内瑞拉总统 Hugo Chavez并暗示以色列首相Ariel Sharon遭受心脏病打击是因为他"分裂上天的土地。"
Such systems are still very much works in progress: Japan, Mexico, and Taiwan are deploying them, but most other nations, including the United States, are still in the research stages, says a leading seismologist, Haroo Kanamori
在日本、墨西哥、以及台湾这些系统依然处于开发过程之中,但包括美国在内的其他大多数国家依然处于理论研究阶段。Haroo Kanamor,一位地震前沿专家如此说道。
Bret: It started out with just some footage that was shot of a strange religious cult, I believe in New Mexico, which had been in the news because of their radical religious practices of self-flagellation and re-enacting stations of the cross, where people would be carrying crosses up to a mountaintop.
Bret :这影片是以奇特的宗教仪式开始。
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Mexico
- Gulf Of Mexico
- Mexico
- Old Mexico
- The Gulf Of Mexico
- I've Been In Mexico
- Down In Mexico
- Rodeo Or Mexico
- Mexico
- Mexico
- 推荐网络例句
On the other hand, the more important thing is because the urban housing is a kind of heterogeneity products.
Climate histogram is the fall that collects place measure calm value, cent serves as cross axle for a few equal interval, the area that the frequency that the value appears according to place is accumulated and becomes will be determined inside each interval, discharge the graph that rise with post, also be called histogram.
You rap, you know we are not so good at rapping, huh?