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与 Md 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because molecular systems generally consist of a vast number of particles, it is impossible to find the properties of such complex systems analytically; MD simulation circumvents this problem by using numerical methods.


Principium and characteristics of MD spray drier were introduced probable conks were summarized and also corresponding remedial measures were put forward .


Hochman, MD, from the New York University School of Medicine in New York City, and colleagues for the Should We Emergently Revascularize Occluded Coronaries for Cardiogenic Shock Investigators."Although survival in patients with cardiogenic shock complicating acute MI has been shown to be significantly higher at 1 year in those receiving early revascularization vs initial medical stabilization, data demonstrating long-term survival are lacking."

Hochman 医师和其同僚进行「阻塞之冠状动脉应否紧急执行血管再形成术以免发生心因性休克」研究,他指出,心因性休克依旧是急性心肌梗塞住院病患的主要致死原因,虽然心因性休克并发急性心肌梗塞之病患接受血管再形成术之一年存活率高於其他使用药物者,但是缺乏长期存活率之数据。

A molecularly engineered gene therapy selectively embeds a cancer-killing gene in pancreatic cancer that shrinks or eradicates tumors, inhibits metastasis, and prolongs survival with virtually no toxicity, researchers from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center report in the July ...


Mieres, MD, director of nuclear cardiology at Northshore University Hospital in Manhasset, New York, and an assistant professor at New York University School of Medicine. She noted that women with heart disease are typically older and frailer than men."These women often have comorbities such as diabetes and arthritis that prevent them from staying on the treadmill for more than seven minutes," she told Medscape.


Mieres, MD, director of nuclear cardiology at Northshore University Hospital in Manhasset, New York, and an assistant professor at New York University School of Medicine. She noted that women with heart disease are typically older and frailer than men."These women often have comorbities such as diabetes and arthritis that prevent them from staying on the treadmill for more than seven minutes," she told Medscape.


This extra weight puts them at higher risk for having heavy babies, and these babies are programmed to become overweight or obese later in life, said study lead author Teresa Hillier, MD, MS, an endocrinologist and senior investigator at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Oregon and Hawaii.


Elisa Trowbridge, MD, from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, added that she was "thrilled" to hear that behavioral therapy was helpful, but admitted that she was a "very avid user of pessaries."

维吉尼亚大学的Elisa Trowbridge医师指出,她听到行为治疗有帮助时相当激动,但是也承认她热爱使用子宫托。

The MgO melting simulations appears to validate the interpretation of superheating of the solid in the one-phase MD simulations.


As a result of this decision, the company has ceased silicon casting, wafering, and cell manufacturing at its Frederick, MD facility effective today.

由于这的决定,公司已经不再在它的弗雷德,有效今天 MD 设施硅浇铸,用封缄纸封和细胞制造。

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Pearl oysters in Pinctada include some economically important species.


This article applies the elastic-plastic finite element theory to analyze the dynamic response of the large cross-section tunnel under seismic load,and it also discusses the influence of different damping ratios,site conditions and different epicentral distances on the dynamic response.


It should be noted that the cutting wheels of this invention offer a significant advantage of greater savings in labor and tooling costs over conventional circle punch die machines The individual cutter wheels cost on the order of $50 a piece as compared to the price of $2500.00-$3500.00 for a single die, and retain their cutting edge for an equal amount of time as a dedicated circle diameter die

它应该被注意,这发明的锐利轮子提供劳动的一个较棒的储蓄的重要利益而且用工具工作花费结束传统的圆周打洞器一钢模在次序上以机器制造个别的裁剪者轮子费用块$50 同样地与一钢模一个$2500.00-$3500.00 的价格相较,而且保有他们的刃口如热衷的圆周直径一钢模的相等量的时间