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与 Maria 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Maria Siemionow led a team of doctors who replaced 80 percent of Culp's face with bone, muscles, nerves, skin and blood vessels from another woman who had just died.


"I would like to remind you we are thinking of other and even more ambitious projects or should we say dreams, among other things a solar energy system on 741 acres at the santa maria di galleria site."

&容我提醒各位,我们其实是考虑其它更有挑战性的计划-----或者说是梦想吧,特别是还有在加勒里亚〔santa maria di galeria〕地方建造741英亩的太阳能系统的计划。&

On the plane, they had already tried all the obvious passwords—GRAIL, GRAAL, GREAL, VENUS, MARIA, JESUS, SARAH—but the cylinder had not budged.


From Germany Brigitte Heinrichs creates a low lying table centre; Colleen Smith shows 6 ideas using hydrangeas; Norwegian, Kristin Voreland , explains how to make your own mechanics and colourful design; Eileen Avery-Scott comes up with an original technique to experiment with; Wendy Andrade uses a new machanic for her autumnal design; Jouni Seppanen takes part in our new challenge the designer series; Australian Mark Pampling completes his series on using sandpaper in arrangements; Teresa maria Ineke Turangan AIFD uses her skills to link high fashion with flowers and New Zealand's Rhonda Hall reveals how to use seasonal berries for the WOW factor!

来自德国的 Brigitte Heinrichs 制作了矮几桌中心的设计装饰; Colleen Smith 展示了6款绣球花设计;挪威设计师 Kristin Voreland 教你如何制作色彩缤纷的作品; Eileen Avery-Scott 带来原创设计技巧; Wendy Andrade 用新的工具做了秋季设计; Jouni Seppanen 接受我们的邀请加入我们的设计师队伍;澳大利亚设计师马克。帕林在插花中用砂纸完成了他的系列作品;美国设计师协会会员 Teresa Maria Ineke Turangan 运用他的技巧完成了非常时尚的花艺作品;新西兰设计师 Rhonda Hall 用季节性浆果制作表现了让人惊喜的设计因素。

Patria, Minerva, Maria Teresa and Dedé were born in Ojo de Agua near the city of Salcedo, in the Cibao region of the Dominican Republic."Las Mariposas," as they were called, were political activists and highly visible symbols of resistance to Trujillo's dictatorship.

Patria, Minerva, Maria Teresa 和 Dedé出生于多米黎加共和国西宝省的撒尔西多市附近的欧粤德阿哥瓦,正如她们的名字 Las Mariposas所表明的那样,她们是反抗特路基落独裁统治的政治活动家,也是这一反抗活动的象征。

Early on October 12, 1492, after thirty-three days at sea, a lookout on the Santa Maria yelled Tierra!

在海上航行33天后,也就是1492年10月12日的清晨,Santa Maria船上的一位瞭望员叫道:&陆地,陆地。&

Early on October 12, 1492, after thirty-three days at sea, a lookout on the Santa Maria yelled Tierra!

1492年10月12日,在为期30天的航行后, Santa Maria的一名岗哨突然喊叫:陆地!

He has also been a partner in an immigration law firm, and he has taught legal research and writing and clinical law at the Ave Maria School of Law.

他还是一家处理移民业务的律师事务所的合伙人,他曾任教于Ave Maria教授法律调查、写作和诊所式法律教学。

Oh, my love, my love, this can really be. That someday you*ll walk down the aisle with me. Let it be, make it be that I*m the one for you. I*ll be yours, all yours, now and forever.(2) I see the church, I see the people. Your folks and mine happy and smiling. And I can hear sweet voices singing Ave Maria.

啊 我的爱我的爱这是可以变为真实的到了那遥远的某一天你我将共同穿过走廊使之实现让之呈现我就是你的那个人我将成为你的所有从今天到永远(2)我看见了教堂也看见了人们你的亲友我的欢乐还有微笑然后我能够听到那甜美的歌声 Ave Maria。

You by my side, that*s how I see us. I close my eyes and I can see us. We*re on our way to say I do. My secret dreams have all come true. I see the church, I see the people. Your folks and mine happy and smiling. And I can hear sweet voices singing Ave Maria.

你就站在在我身边那是我看到的我们闭上眼我就能看见我们正前进在我所说的道路上我秘密的梦境全都化作了现实我看见了教堂也看见了人们你的亲友我的欢乐还有微笑然后我能够听到那甜美的歌声 Ave Maria。

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Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Dear Maria, Count Me In
Ave Maria No Morro
Ave Maria
Caccini/Mercurio: Ave Maria
Maria Maria
Maria Maria

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
