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Their residences. Cardinal Giuse Maria Trinh Nhu Khuê recounts: Small groups of two or more lived the Gospel daily and helped one another in every way; and in their reciprocal gift they experienced the presence of the One who said, 'But take courage; I have conquered the world!

若瑟枢机主教(cardinale Giuseppe Trinh Nhu Khuê)记述说:这些由两个或两个以上的人组成的小团体,每日以福音为生活准则,在各方面彼此帮助,在这种互为礼物的经验中,他们体验到主的临在,他曾说过'你们要有信心,我已经战胜了世界!

Angelica Maria is fluent in Spanish, English, French, Italian, Greek, German, Otomi, Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic.


Sorry to cut our 'pet show' short, ladies and gentlemen - Maria and Tembo, her pachydermic companion, will return for another showing later if you so desire.


On the way hack Pilar questions Maria and Jordan about their romance.


Pilar takes Jordan and Maria to see El Sordo, another guerilla leader whose help they will need .


Cristina, a quester after romance, thinks Maria Elena could be just what she has been looking for.


Maria Bartley-Rand, quoted in Xandu Reem's A Stranger at Home: A Biography of Scott Bernard


See Bianca Maria Rinaldi,The "Chinese Garden in Good Taste":Jesuits and Europe's Knowledge of Chinese Flora and Art of the Garden in the 17th and 18th Centuries (Munich:Martin Meidenbauer Verlagsbuchhandlung,2006),171-257 on Ripa's and other China missionaries' influence on European gardens.


If man, as the Protestant theory of justification teaches, is justified by faith alone, by the external justice of Christ, or God, the conclusion which Martin Luther (Sermo de nat. Maria) drew must follow, namely that "we are all equal to Mary the Mother of God and just as holy as she".

如果男子,因为新教理论的理由教导说,是有正当理由的信念,仅由外部司法基督的,还是神,其结论马丁路德( sermo德NAT的玛丽亚)提请必须遵循的,那就是,&大家都是平等以玛利亚天主之母,正如圣地,因为她&。

Maria had crossed over to the other side suddenly and very unexpectedly when taking a nap in the back of their van while she and her husband traveled near her beloved Mount Shasta.

玛丽亚已经超越其它方面,突然地而且非常出乎意料地小睡一下,在后面他们的 van ,她和她的丈夫她的爱人在 Shasta 山的附近旅行。

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Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Dear Maria, Count Me In
Ave Maria No Morro
Ave Maria
Caccini/Mercurio: Ave Maria
Maria Maria
Maria Maria

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
