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与 Maria 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"The luxury liner Maria Doria has never been found, however treasure hunters the world over search endlessly for its resting place."


Reform of St. Teresa,(1) Spain: Besides her own writings, FRANCISCUS A S. MARIA and others: Reforma de los Descalos (6 vols., Madrid, 1644); part of this work, which is partisan, in favour of Doria and against St. John of the Cross and Jerome Gratian, has been translated into Italian (Genoa, 1654) and French (Paris, 1665; Lérins, 1896); GRGOIRE DE S. JOSEPH, Le Pére Gratien et ses juges (Rome, 1904), also tr.

改革的圣德肋撒,( 1 )西班牙:除了她自己的著作,方济一第玛丽亚和其他: reforma德洛杉矶descalos ( 6卷,马德里, 1644年),是这项工作的一部分,这是党派之,在赞成的Doria和对圣约翰的十字架杰罗姆gratian ,已被翻译成意大利文(热那亚, 1654 )和法国(巴黎, 1665年; lérins , 1896年); grégoire德第约瑟夫,乐pére gratien等经济局局长法官(罗马, 1904年),也的

A great number of his works ranging from symphonies and operatic excerpts to string quartets,ongs and piano pieces were included in the programme. In 1969 the theme of the estival was a country--Italy. One of the items on the programme was the Florence Opera, which performed four operas including, very appropriately, Donizetti's Maria Stuarta.


Resisting an impulse to fancify, Maria turned back to work .


"Gruss Gott, Graulein Maria," six voices echoed in unison.


There are many other private prophecies concerning the remote and proximate signs which will precede the General Judgment and concerning Antichrist, such as those attributed to St. Hildegarde, St. Bridget of Sweden, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (the "three days' darkness"), the Curé d'Ars, and many others.

还有许多其他私人的预言关於边远和近因标志,一般先判断和关於反基督,如归因於圣Hildegarde ,圣布里奇特瑞典,有福安娜玛丽亚Taigi ,治愈率德艺术,以及其他许多人。

Mainwaring insupportably jealous; so jealous, in short, and so enraged against me, that, in the fury of her temper, I should not be surprized at her appealing to her guardian, if she had the liberty of addressing him: but there your husband stands my friend; and the kindest, most amiable action of his life was his throwing her off for ever on her marriage.

接下来的事,真是令人愤怒:James 先生死了,Maria被狠狠地激怒了,还有Mainwaring夫人遏制不住地嫉妒,她太嫉妒了,简言之,她很生我的气。沉浸在她的暴怒中的我,不会惊讶于她向其监护人提出的诉求---其是否有和他面谈的自由:但是,你丈夫把我朋友晾在了一边。

Maria's intelligence concluded with a tender effusion of pity for her sister Anne, whom she represented as insupportably cross from being excluded the party.


Maria 玛丽亚: Well after reading this post, I don't know how anyone would or could disagree that Irena Sendlerowa...

答:在阅读这个职位,我不知道如何人会或可能不同意,伊雷娜Sendlerowa 。。。

With Juri facing a death sentence the couple flee to the West, leaving Anne's infant daughter Inga in the care of her grandparents. Twenty-five years later Inga (Anna Maria Mühe) has grown up believing her mother is dead.


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Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Dear Maria, Count Me In
Ave Maria No Morro
Ave Maria
Caccini/Mercurio: Ave Maria
Maria Maria
Maria Maria

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
