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与 Maria 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Columbus chartered one seventy-five-foot ship, the Santa Maria, and the Spanish city of Palos supplied two smaller caravels, the Pinta and Nina.

哥伦布租用了一条75英尺长的船,它命名为Santa Maria,西班牙城市Palos提供俩条较小的帆船,船名为Pinta和Nina。

The genre was kickstarted into action in 1972 by La Polizia Ringrazia (="With the thanks of the Police") a movie starring Enrico Maria Salerno as tough-as-nails police inspector Bertone who wades through crime and filth feeling increasingly harder to have the culprits duly punished and Mariangela Melato as a progressist investigative reporter with which he shares a relationship made of mostly mutual inconfessed attraction.

此流派到了1972年,借着La Polizia Ringrazia开始重新崛起。这部影片成就了 Enrico Maria Salerno 穿行于犯罪与堕落之中,感到要将罪犯绳之以法越来越步履维艰的硬派巡警Bertone的形象,以及 Mariangela Melato 刨根究底的进步派记者的形象。他们两人也在拍摄中形成了彼此默契但没说出口的好感。

No one remembers who else was on the Santa Maria , but Columbus' name will be known forever!

没人记得谁曾经站在 Santa Maria 上,但是哥伦布的名字却流芳百世!

Early on October 12, 1492, after thirty-three days at sea, a lookout on the Santa Maria yelled Tierra!

在海上航行33天后,也就是1492年10月12日的清晨,Santa Maria船上的一位瞭望员叫道:"陆地,陆地。"

Later legend made him an artist, and during the Middle Ages the picture of the Virgin Mary in Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, was ascribed to him.

后来传说,使他成为一位艺术家,并在中世纪的画面圣母玛利亚在Santa Maria Maggiore的,罗马,是归功于他。

She is said to be "like Maria from Silent Hill 2 she is said to have streetwise sexiness but retains the relatable girl-next-door cuteness of SH3 heroine Heather."


Last year published a new book:"the Curies: her life"(Maria Curie: A Life), for her harsh, bitter history of the life and struggle paints a more detailed and in-depth image.

於去年出版了一本新书:《玛丽亚·居里:她的一生》(Maria Curie: A Life),为她艰苦、辛酸和奋斗的生命历程描绘了一幅更详细和深入的图像。

Maria Luisa with the endearment to fashionable dress, true-blue, with inherent grade, her world is built in Paris, many Select Shop was opened in place, those who became grade is indicative.

Maria Luisa凭着对时装的钟爱、热诚,和与生俱来的品位,在巴黎建立她的世界,在当地开设了多间select shop,成为了品位的象征。

Life with his own family - wife Corinna andtheir children Gina-Maria and Mick - was deliberately kept as normal aspossible (the children never came to the races) and held sacred by theessentially shy and private man who reluctantly became one of the mostfamous sportsmen in the world.

他的家庭--妻子Corinna和他的孩子Gina-Maria 和 Mick--努力的保持着平凡生活(他的孩子从未到过比赛现场),并且被这个本质上十分害羞,内向,厌恶成为世界上最为出名的运动员的男人保护着。

Arah Jane's team is also changing, as Maria Jackson departs and feisty new girl Rani Chandra arrives.


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Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Dear Maria, Count Me In
Ave Maria No Morro
Ave Maria
Caccini/Mercurio: Ave Maria
Maria Maria
Maria Maria

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
